Este proyecto "started" está desarrollado en Laravel, un framework PHP robusto y popular para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. El proyecto Incluye la siguientes caracteristicas:
💻 Index
💻 Login
.- 👦 Username: [email protected]
.- 🔑 Password: admin-2024
- Index
- Blog
- Articles (CRUD) / Categories (CRUD)
- Pages (CRUD)
- Login / Logout
- Dashboard
- Admin users
- Profile user
- Dark mode
- Switch language (English/Spanish)
1. Clone From Github
git clone
2. Create env file
Create a .env file by cloning .env.example file
3. Create a Database named
"rd_strarted" and repleace value in file .env -> DB_DATABASE
4. Update Composer
composer update
5. Genera Key APP
php artisan key:generate
6. Run Migration & Seed
php artisan migrate
7. Run User Seeder
php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
8. Run Build App
npm run build
# If Needed intall npm
npm install
9. Create Storage Link
php artisan storage:link
10. Run On Local Machine
php artisan serve
11. Open Browser
- Go to RD Started Admin Go to this link - http://localhost:8000/iniciar-sesion
Login Now by giving this data
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin-2024
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The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.