Fabrikam Fiber is one of several case studies intended for use with Scrum.org's Professional Scrum Developer class. For more information on the Professional Scrum Developer program, visit Scrum.org
Fabrikam Fiber is a fictional company that provides cable television and related services to the United States. They are growing rapidly and have embraced the latest Microsoft technologies in order to scale their customer-facing web site. This will allow the end users to create/manage tickets and track technicians in a self-service way. There is also an on-premises ASP.NET MVC application for their customer service representatives to administer customer orders.
Note: There are several codebase versions in this repository. Make sure you use the correct one. Also, you may need to edit the web.config and change the connection strings from "(LocalDB)\v11.0" to "(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB". See http://bit.ly/2v4qQyQ for more information.