No more Flash or awkward browser windows consuming memory in order to pipe in your jams. tty_radio supports manual entries you want to import as well as auto-generated entries from SomaFM.
This package wraps your favorite terminal based audio stream player (like mpg123). It provides a RESTful API to control stream selection and playback. Includes a simple text based UI to select stations: banners autogenerated with pyfiglet, and (optionally) album thumbnails converted to ASCII with Pillow. Also serves a web UI at http://localhost:7887, for remote management.
On the road map:
- Plugin architecture to easily add station specific scrapers
- Verify you have mpg123
- else change
to your fav player - Whatever you choose must not buffer output
- For OS X, macports:
port install mpg123
- For Linux, apt:
sudo apt-get install mpg123
- else change
- Optionally, if you want to display album art
pip install pillow
pip install tty_radio
- This adds
to your path
- This adds
- Defaults to a list of favorite channels
- Auto-generated from a hardcoded value
- Edit
to add/remove - Any changes are permanent (it's not auto updated)
- Select the station to listen to by typing its number (left column) and pressing Enter
- There are other views:
- At the bottom of the list is a SomaFM view
- Auto-generated from web scraping updated if more than 7 days old
- Edit
to add/remove, but you will loose changes on next update
- The Di.FM view has been removed since they've blocked direct streaming
- At the bottom of the list is a SomaFM view
##### Dependencies
# For finding channel links from websites, req beautifulsoup4
# For ascii banners of station/stream names, req pyfiglet
# For ascii art of stream album art, req pillow
# Examples of the ascii fun below:
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>>> Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM]
>>> Minot - The Cycle Of Venus
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Press enter if you like banner, else any char then enter
>>> Lush: Mostly female vocals with an electronic influence. [SomaFM]
>>> Miaow - Tempered Song, cliqhop idm, Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Music.
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