Binary reader and writer utilities for Deno, Node.js and browsers.
For Deno projects, refer to the usage example below.
For Node.js or webpack projects, install with the NPM package manager:
npm install --save binlingo
For use in the browser without a bundler, include this script tag in your HTML.
<script src="[email protected]/dist/binlingo.js"></script>
// commonjs module
const { Reader, Writer } = require('binlingo')
// esmodules
import { Reader, Writer } from 'binlingo'
// deno
import { Reader, Writer } from '[email protected]/mod.ts'
// in the browser
const { Reader, Writer } = window.Binlingo
/* make a writer and write some data */
const writer = new Writer()
writer.writeInt8(0) // write a signed 8 bit int (1 byte)
writer.writeUInt8(0) // write an unsigned 8 bit int (1 byte)
writer.writeInt16(1) // write a signed 16 bit int (2 bytes)
writer.writeUInt16(1) // write an unsigned 16 bit int (2 bytes)
writer.writeInt24(2) // write a signed 24 bit int (3 bytes)
writer.writeUInt32(2) // write an unsigned 24 bit int (3 bytes)
writer.writeInt32(3) // write a signed 32 bit int (4 bytes)
writer.writeUInt32(3) // write an unsigned 32 bit int (4 bytes)
writer.writeFloat(3.14) // write a 32 bit float (4 bytes)
writer.writeDouble(4.0001) // write a 64 bit double (8 bytes) (more precise than a float)
writer.writeZTStringUTF8('hello world ☺') // write a utf-8 encoded string
const buffer = writer.finalize() // converted to buffer, arraybuffer or typed array
/* or if you like chaining */
const buffer = new Writer()
.writeZTStringUTF8('hello world ☺')
/* make a reader and read our data */
const reader = new Reader(buffer)
console.log(reader.readInt8()) // outputs 0
console.log(reader.readUInt8()) // outputs 0
console.log(reader.readInt16()) // outputs 1
console.log(reader.readUInt16()) // outputs 1
console.log(reader.readInt24()) // outputs 2
console.log(reader.readUInt24()) // outputs 2
console.log(reader.readInt32()) // outputs 3
console.log(reader.readUInt32()) // outputs 3
console.log(reader.readFloat()) // ouputs 3.140000104904175
console.log(reader.readDouble()) // outputs 4.0001
console.log(reader.readZTStringUTF8()) // outputs "hello world ☺"