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Scalaz Seven

This is an experimental fork of Scalaz for prototyping changes for Scalaz 7.

This is only a candidate design for Scalaz 7. An alternative design, which eschews type class inheritance, is available in the scalaz7 branch in the main repository.


Scalaz has grown to contain a wide range of useful type classes and data structures. This presents a challenge to the beginner trying to learn the library -- where to start, what to ignore? To help alleviate this, the library has been modularised further.

  • scalaz-core: Type class hierarchy, data structures, type class instances for the Scala and Java standard libraries, implicit conversions / syntax to access these.
  • scalaz-effect: Data structures to represent and compose IO effects in the type system.
  • scalaz-concurrent: Actor and Promise implementation
  • scalaz-iteratee: Iteratee implementation

Type Class Hierarchy

  • Type classes form an inheritance hierarchy, as in Scalaz 6. This is convenient both at the call site and at the type class instance definition. Considering for now the call site, it ensures the following code is valid:
def bar[M: Functor] = ()

def foo[M: Monad] = bar
  • From a high level, the hierarchy itself is largely the same as in Scalaz 6. However, there have been a few adjustments, some signatures have been adjusted to support better standalone usage, so code depending on these will need to be re-worked.

Standalone Type Class Usage

Type classes should be directly usable, without first needing to trigger implicit conversions. This might be desirable to reduce the runtime or cognitive overhead of the pimped types, or to define your own pimped types with a syntax of your choosing.

  • The methods in type classes have been curried to maximize type inference.
  • Derived methods, based on the abstract methods in a type class, are defined in the type class itself.
  • Each type class companion object is fitted with a convenient apply method to obtain an instance of the type class.
// Equivalent to `implicitly[Monad[Option]]`
val O = Monad[Option]

// `bind` is defined with two parameter sections, so that the type of `x` is inferred as `Int`.
O.bind(Some(1))(x => Some(x * 2)

def plus(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

// `Apply#lift2` is a function derived from `Apply#ap`.
val plusOpt = O.lift2(plus)

Type Class Instance Definition

  • 'Constructive' implicits, which create a type class instance automatically based on instances of all parent type classes, are removed. These led to subtle errors with ambiguous implicits, such as this problem with FunctorBindApply
  • Type class instances are no longer declared in fragments in the companion objects of the type class. Instead, they are defined in the package scalaz.std, and must be imported. These instances are defined in traits which will be mixed together into an object for importing en-masse, if desired.
  • A single implicit can define a number of type class instances for a type.
  • A type class definition can override methods (including derived methods) for efficiency.

Here is an instance definition for Option. Notice that the method map has been overriden.

  implicit val option = new Traverse[Option] with MonadPlus[Option] {
    def point[A](a: => A) = Some(a)
    def bind[A, B](fa: Option[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = fa flatMap f
    override def map[A, B](fa: Option[A])(f: A => B): Option[B] = fa map f
    def traverseImpl[F[_], A, B](fa: Option[A])(f: A => F[B])(implicit F: Applicative[F]) =
      fa map (a => Option[B])) getOrElse F.point(None)
    def empty[A]: Option[A] = None
    def plus[A](a: Option[A], b: => Option[A]) = a orElse b
    def foldR[A, B](fa: Option[A], z: B)(f: (A) => (=> B) => B): B = fa match {
      case Some(a) => f(a)(z)
      case None => z

To use this, one would:

import scalaz.std.option.optionInstance
// or, importing all instances en-masse
// import scalaz.Scalaz._

val M = Monad[Option]
val oi: Option[Int] = M.point(0)


We co-opt the term syntax to refer to the way we allow the functionality of Scalaz to be called in the object.method(args) form, which can be easier to read, and, given that type inference in Scala flows from left-to-right, can require fewer type annotations.

  • Syntax is segregated from rest of the library, in a sub-package scalaz.syntax.
  • All Scalaz functionality is available without using the provided syntax, by directly calling methods on the type class or it's companion object.
  • Syntax is available a-la-carte. You can import the syntax for working with a particular type classes where you need it. This avoids flooding the autocompletion in your IDE with every possible pimped method. In principle, this should also help compiler performance, by reducing the implicit search space.
  • Syntax is layered in the same way as type classes. Importing the syntax for, say, Applicative will also provide the syntax for Pointed and Functor.
  • Use of symbolic identifiers is largely restricted to the syntax package.

Syntax can be imported in two ways. Firstly, the syntax specialized for a particular instance of a type class can be imported directly from the instance itself.

// import the type class instance
import scalaz.std.option.optionInstance

// import the implicit conversions to `MonadV[Option, A]`, `BindV[Option, A]`, ...
import optionInstance.monadSyntax._

val oi: Option[Option[Int]] = Some(Some(1))

// Expands to: `ToBindV(io).join`

Alternatively, the syntax can be imported for a particular type class.

// import the type class instance
import scalaz.option.optionInstance

// import the implicit conversions to `MonadV[F, A]`, `BindV[F, A]`, ...
import scalaz.syntax.monad._

val oi: Option[Option[Int]] = Some(Some(1))

// Expands to: ToBindV(io).join

For some degree of backwards compability with Scalaz 6, the über-import of import scalaz.Scalaz._ will import all implicit conversions that provide syntax (as well as type class instances and other functions). However, it is recommended to review usage of this and replace with more focussed imports.

Type Class Instance Dependencies

Type class instances may depend on other instances. In simple cases, this is as straightforward as adding an implicit parameter (or, equivalently, a context bound), to the implicit method.

  implicit def optionMonoid[A: Semigroup]: Monoid[Option[A]] = new Monoid[Option[A]] {
    def append(f1: Option[A], f2: => Option[A]): Option[A] = (f1, f2) match {
      case (Some(a1), Some(a2)) => Some(Semigroup[A].append(a1, a2))
      case (Some(a1), None) => f1
      case (None, Some(a2)) => f2
      case (None, None) => None

    def zero: Option[A] = None

Type class instances for 'transformers', such as OptionT, present a more subtle challenge. OptionT[F, A] is a wrapper for a value of type F[Option[A]]. It allows us to write:

val ot = OptionT(List(Some(1), None)) Int) => a * 2) // OptionT(List(Some(2), None))

The OptionT#map requires Functor[F], whereas OptionT#flatMap requires Monad[F]. The capabilities of OptionT increase with those of F. We need to encode this into the type class instances for [a]OptionT[F[A]].

This is done with a hierarchy of type class implementation traits and a corresponding set of prioritized implicit methods.

In case of ambiguous implicits, Scala will favour one defined in a sub-class of the other. This is to avoid ambiguity when in cases like the following:

type OptionTList[A] = OptionT[List[A]]

// Candidates:
// 1. OptionT.OptionTFunctor[List](implicitly[Functor[List]])
// 2. OptionT.OptionTMonad[List](implicitly[Functor[List]])
// #2 is defined in a subclass, so is preferred (although, either would have sufficed).

Transformers and Identity

A stronger emphasis has been placed on transformer data structures (aka Monad Transformers).

TODO: Describe relationship between Id / Value / Name / Need, show usage in a transformer.

Deriving Type Class Instances through Isomorphisms

Deriving Type Class Instances through Composition / Product

Unboxed Tagged Types


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  • Scala 97.5%
  • Shell 2.5%