I am Reski Mulud Muchamad
A Google Certified Associate Android Developer. Someone who is interested and fascinated to develop Android apps with some experience in Android Development using Kotlin (Android Native) programming language. As a graduate of Bangkit Academy 2022, alumni of Tokopedia Devcamp 2022 and former Lead in the Google Developer Student Clubs community.
Android Developer at Astra International
Google Certified Associate Android Developer
Tokopedia Devcamp Alumni Class of 2022 - Android Curriculum
Mobile Developer Student at Bangkit Academy 2022 by Google, GoTo, Traveloka
Former Google Developer Student Clubs Lead at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (2021/2022)
I am a person who really likes new things, and feel challenged about it. I really enjoy exploring and seeking knowledge in the world of computers, gadgets and programming, that's the reason I chose to study Informatics Engineering.
I feel that what my campus teaches is not enough, therefore I continue to seek knowledge outside of lectures, and that is my daily activity.
- 👀 I’m interested in Algorithm, Web Development, Mobile Application, Machine Learning
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Mobile Apps (Android) and Machine Learning
- 💬 Feel free to ask me about web development or anything
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]