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Built‐In Dailies

Idle edited this page Mar 5, 2025 · 17 revisions

The module comes bundled with built-in dailies, some dailies may slightly alter parts that were done by the system on occasion but the consensus is "if it is handled by the system, don't reinvent the wheel", so nothing is done related to crafting or spell preparation as those are fully integrated already in the sheet.

Character Dailies







Mind Smith Dedication

Divine Ally


Consume a Ration

You can choose to consume a ration or not during daily preparations, the module will tell you how many total charges remain on the character (though only one instance of the item will be checked from the character's inventory)

Familiar Abilities

Characters with an associated familiar will be asked to select its abilities during daily preparations, the module add temporary abilities to the familiar and will remove them during Rest for the Night but will not touch any other ability on the familiar, allowing extra customization if necessary.


You can change the number of familiar abilities that are expected to be selected if you want to customize your familiar with permanent abilities.


Familiar abilities are added one at a time in the order seen in the interface window, so you can select an ability such as Flier first and Fast Movement (Fly) second to trigger the later ChoiseSet rule element.

Prepare a Staff

Staff spellcasting entries can be found in the Activations tab of the character sheet.

The module handles staff preparation, if a character can cast spells and has at least one staff in their inventory, they will be able to prepare it during daily preparations, they will also be able to expend a prepared spell from another spellcasting entry if available (including specifics from Staff Nexus) which will add extra charges for the day.

If no prepared spell is expended during preparation, they will then be offered the option to consume spontaneous slots when casting a staff spell from any spontaneous spellcasting entry available, they will be asked to select which slot rank they want to expend for it.


A character needs to have a prepared or spontaneous spellcasting entry for the module to count it as a spellcaster.


The staff needs to be currently equipped to cast a spell from it, if not, an extra button will show up in the header of the spellcasting entry allowing you to Draw, Retrieve or Pick Up the staff, if in combat, a chat message will be created indicating that the related action was used.

Apparition Attunement (Animist)

Select the apparition feats for the animist for the day (2~4 based on the character's level) ; It will automatically generate the focus and spontaneous spellcasting entries, populate them with their spells and setup the slots for each rank.

  • The Heal & Harm spells are added if you have the Embodiment of the Balance class feat
  • The Avatar spell is added if you have the Supreme Incarnation class feature


Because of the sheer amount of entries it would generate at higher level (200+ at lv 18), i have decided not to set the spells as signature spells beside the Heal & Harm spells for convenience.