This package is designed to assist running US EPA's Meteorological Processors, AERMINUTE, AERSURFACE, and AERMET. Rmet2 provides the following features:
Automatic Downloading of Meteorological Data from National Oceonographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) websites.
Scripted set up of runstream input files to assist in reproducibility.
Caputuring output runstreams and files and producing tables and figures useful for air dispersion modelers to perform quality assurance checks on intermediate and final outputs of the meteorological preprocessors.
The package is designed to work with R.
In R, the following script will check for, and if needed, install the package devtools, and then attempt to install rmet2 to your system. You will only have to install rmet2 once on your system, so for normal day-to-day use you will not need to run the installation script:
if(!"devtools" %in% installed.packages()) install.pacakges(devtools)
if(!"rmet2" %in% installed.packages()) devtools::install_git("")
TO use rmet2, you will type the following into the console:
## $rmet.aermet
## [1] "aermet"
## $rmet.aerminute
## [1] "aerminute"
## $rmet.aersurface
## [1] "aersurface"
## $rmet.desc
## list()
## $
## [1] "\"James Durant <[email protected]> [aut, cre]\""
## $rmet.desc.license
## [1] "MIT"
## $rmet.install.args
## [1] ""
## $
## [1] "rmet"
## $
## [1] ""
## $rmet.noaa.surfhist
## [1] ""
## [1] "downloading aermet"
## [1] "downloading aerminute"
## [1] "downloading aersurface"
This is the location of the executables.
sapply(c("aermet", "aerminute", "aersurface"), getOption)
## aermet
## "C:/aermet_exe/aermet.exe"
## aerminute
## "C:/aerminute_15272/aerminute_15272.exe"
## aersurface
## "C:/aersurface_exe/aersurface.exe"