Comparison and implementation (from scratch) of YOLOv1 and U-Net.
Dataset: Airbus Ship Detection Challenge
See paper.pdf
We're training on the DTU HPC LSF 10 Cluster. All used scripts are available under jobscripts/
From the root of the repo run, e.g.
bsub < ./jobscripts/unet/
Then you can use bstat
to check the job status.
You can use tail
to see the job log in real time, e.g.:
tail gpu_23113941.out -f
Epoch 3, lr 0.0001: 18%|█▊ | 7376/40432 [02:56<13:06, 42.02it/s, loss=0.01581]
: This indicates the elapsed time since the progress bar started. In this case, no significant time has elapsed since the start of the epoch.13:06
: This shows the estimated remaining time to complete the current epoch or task at the current processing speed.42.02it/s
: This represents the processing speed, indicating that your model is processing 42.02 iterations (samples) per second.
To just evaluate the model you can use the interactive nodes.
# Enter an interactive node (alt: sxm2sh, voltash)
cd ~/deep-learning-project
clear && ./jobscripts/unet/