make it easy to benchmark distributed streaming systems in Java. a port of
Note that to add the redis-streams-java jar file with all of it's declared dependencies you should execute the following command from the directory holding this pom.xml file:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install-file -Dfile=redis-streams-java-0.3.0.jar
mvn package
java -jar target/openstreaming-benchmark-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
$ java -jar target/openstreaming-benchmark-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Usage: openstreaming-benchmark-java [-hV] [--verbose] [-a=<password>]
eamMin>] [-d=<dataSize>]
[--keyspace-len=<keyspaceLen>] [-m=<mode>]
[-n=<numberRequests>] [-p=<port>]
[--rps=<rps>] [-s=<hostname>]
[--seed=<seed>] [--timeout=<timeout>]
-a, --password=<password> Redis password.
-c, --clients=<clients> Number of clients.
Consumers per stream.
Consumers per stream.
-d, --datasize=<dataSize> Datasize in bytes.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Keyspace len.
-m, --mode=<mode> Mode. Either 'producer' or 'consumer'.
Retention time secs
-n, --number-requests=<numberRequests>
Number of requests.
-p, --port=<port> Number of clients.
Retention time secs
--rps=<rps> Max rps. If 0 no limit is applied and the DB is
stressed up to maximum.
-s, --server=<hostname> Server hostname.
--seed=<seed> Random seed
--timeout=<timeout> Jedis Pool timeout in millis
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ java -jar target/openstreaming-benchmark-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -n 1000000 -c 10 --mode producer --retention-time-secs 120
Starting benchmark with 10 threads. Requests per thread 100000
Starting benchmark in producer mode...
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Finished setting up benchmark in producer mode...
There is a total of 10 active connections...
Current RPS: 0.000 commands/sec; Total requests 0 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.000
Current RPS: 147500.988 commands/sec; Total requests 148386 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.050
Current RPS: 149797.000 commands/sec; Total requests 298183 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.053
Current RPS: 89122.873 commands/sec; Total requests 387395 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.060
Current RPS: 87734.000 commands/sec; Total requests 475129 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.071
Current RPS: 90112.883 commands/sec; Total requests 565332 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.081
Current RPS: 91034.961 commands/sec; Total requests 656458 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.087
Current RPS: 92097.000 commands/sec; Total requests 748555 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.090
Current RPS: 92669.326 commands/sec; Total requests 841317 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.093
Current RPS: 93698.297 commands/sec; Total requests 935109 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.094
Current RPS: 64826.171 commands/sec; Total requests 1000000 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 0.094
################# RUNTIME STATS #################
Total Duration 11.097000122070312 Seconds
Total Commands issued 1000000
Overall RPS: 90114.444 commands/sec;
Overall Client Latency summary (msec):
p50 (ms):0.094
p95 (ms):0.137
p99 (ms):0.25
$ java -jar target/openstreaming-benchmark-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -n 1000000 -c 10 --mode consumer
Starting benchmark with 10 threads. Requests per thread 100000
Starting benchmark in consumer mode...
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Finished setting up benchmark in consumer mode...
There is a total of 323 active connections...
Current RPS: 11296.473 commands/sec; Total requests 11850 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 10.191
Current RPS: 11639.801 commands/sec; Total requests 23548 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.079
Current RPS: 12590.409 commands/sec; Total requests 36151 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.415
Current RPS: 12634.000 commands/sec; Total requests 48785 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.479
Current RPS: 12516.966 commands/sec; Total requests 61327 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.479
Current RPS: 12235.764 commands/sec; Total requests 73575 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.703
Current RPS: 12323.676 commands/sec; Total requests 85911 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.783
Current RPS: 12379.620 commands/sec; Total requests 98303 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.767
Current RPS: 12662.337 commands/sec; Total requests 110978 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.767
Current RPS: 12457.542 commands/sec; Total requests 123448 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.751
Current RPS: 12271.728 commands/sec; Total requests 135732 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.815
Current RPS: 12793.206 commands/sec; Total requests 148538 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.799
Current RPS: 12816.368 commands/sec; Total requests 161380 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 18.767
Current RPS: 9833.166 commands/sec; Total requests 171223 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.023
Current RPS: 11871.000 commands/sec; Total requests 183094 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.087
Current RPS: 9869.130 commands/sec; Total requests 192973 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.231
Current RPS: 10459.540 commands/sec; Total requests 203443 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.407
Current RPS: 9878.121 commands/sec; Total requests 213331 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.567
Current RPS: 11186.813 commands/sec; Total requests 224529 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.679
Current RPS: 8259.740 commands/sec; Total requests 232797 ; Client p50 with RTT(ms): 19.839