This module is intended to hold a few features for the foundry vtt pf2e system that could well have been separate modules and may well be eaten by the system at some point.
My current ideas (as in, no guarantee they'll ever actually get done) can be seen here
- NPC Mystification. Sets the name of a token on the current scene based on it's traits if mystified by dragging it from the sidebar while holding the configured modifier key, clicking the mystify button in the token hud or using the mystify keyboard shortcut (no default set). There are several options to filter out certain types of traits. A prefix or postfix can be added to the mystified name (either a user-provided word, or one rolled on a user-provided rollable table). A random number can also be added after the postfix, and optionally be kept when demystifying the creature. E.g. 'Skeletal Champion' could become 'Jack the Mindless Undead Skeleton 23'. Note that player character owned tokens are not mystified.
- Optional keybind and combat context menu to move the selected combatant to before the current combatant in the initiative order (normally used when the current combatant has just killed the selected combatant).
- Optional feature to automatically move combatant that goes to 0 hp to just before the current combatant. (See above.)
- Optional feature to automatically move combatant that gets the Dying condition to just before the current combatant. (See above.)
- Option to automatically purge all expired effects each turn.
- Optional keybinds for executing a macro in any position on any page of the macro hotbar, whether that page is currently showing or not.
- Optional setting to automatically collapse chat cards with an h3 header (intended for item cards like spells, feats, items, etc, might hit others as well). Click on title to expand again.
- Optional setting to automatically roll damage for Strikes on a hit. On a critical success it rolls critical damage. Needs the PF2e system setting 'Show results on attacks and saves' to be set so that the attacker can see the result in the chat. (E.g. for non-gm use either 'Owner' or 'All').
- Experimental heropoint handler feature. Adds an optional keybind to open a dialog that can reset or add heropoints for all characters, add one heropoint to a random (or selected) character and, most importantly, start a timer to make the dialog reappear after (by default) 60 minutes. Note that currently the timer goes away if you do a ctrl-f5 or restart foundry.
- Option to automatically purge all expired effects every time the game world clock increases out of combat.
- From now on each release of PF2e Workbench will include the latest versions of all V9-compatible macros from They can be found in the asymonous-benefactor-macros pack, with the express permission of said asymonous^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hanonymous (and colorless) benefactor. Attribution for the macros can normally be found inside each macro, and the source url for each macro is added at the end of each macro. Do not import the macros named like 'XDY DO_NOT_IMPORT', instead import the ones with proper names.
Install by either searching for xdy-pf2e-workbench in FoundryVTT's Module tab and clicking Install or by clicking the 'Install Module' button in that tab and entering the following as the Manifest URL:
See and
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed
The hands acquire shakes
The shakes become a warning
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
This module uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy ( We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This module is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit
Open Game License:
Project Licensing:
- Everything in this project that is not covered by one of the following license exceptions is made available under the Apache License (see LICENSE).
Virtual Table Top Platform Licenses:
- Foundry VTT support is covered by the following license: Limited License Agreement for module development.
Asset licenses:
- The cover image is modified by me from Picture taken at a garage exhibit at LACMA. by Elmer Mercanas under the Unsplash License
- The icons in the assets folder as well as the original icons from are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license and were made by numerous authors. The full list of those can be found at:
build-packs license:
- The build-packs.ts script has been dreadfully hacked from and is, like the original, provided under the ISC license
- The macros found in the asymonous-benefactor-macros pack are, with the express permission of said asymonous^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hanonymous benefactor, collected from at build time. Attribution for the macros can normally be found inside each macro, and the source url for each macro is added at the end of the file.