Note: Cypress Cloud only used for Sauce Demo specs. All other Cypress tests will use Mochawesome report.
You can start up the local server by typing node server.js in the VS Code terminal
or if you want to start it by the bash script you can type: chmod +x
and then ./ (Note: Bash script isn't necessary, it was just something
I was tinkering with)
@@ This repo contains: @@
# The files for my GitHub pages website
! YAML files for GitHub Actions workflows,
! including playwright-mysite.yml, which checks
! out both this repo and the test-playwright repo
! and then runs tests against PRs and commits
- Cypress scripts, which I'm no longer maintaining
- except for, which runs in
- GH Actions cypress-mysite.yml to test my site
- on a cron schedule
+ I'm mostly focused on Playwright these days, so
+ check out my test-playwright repo to see what
+ I'm currently tinkering with