Hello, here is my web application for monitoring network by SNMP and ICMP. This app use Python, Flask, EasySNMP, SQLAlchemy, SQLite3. This is not a competition for system like Nagios because it's small app for simple use. The application can monitoring:
- Interfaces utilization
- Uptime
- Chassis temperature
- Fan status
- CPU utilization
Import hosts database is realize by *.xlsx file. Example is in data folder.
A Linux system is required to run. Entering the following commands as root should be sufficient:
apt-get install python3.5 python3-pip libsnmp-dev snmp-mibs-downloader gcc python3.5-dev
alias python=python3.5
apt-get install snmp
pip3 install easysnmp Flask SQLAlchemy openpyxl
To run application please type:
python NMS.py
I think application is easy to use, but if you have any question please contact me by email: [email protected]