Bytebox currently builds with Zig 0.13.x to avoid churn on zig master.
To run the tests:
is required to run the wasm testsuite. You can install it via the rust toolchaincargo install wasm-tools
or directly from the release page.python3
is required to run the wasi testsuite. You may need to runpython3 -m pip install -r test/wasi/wasi-testsuite/test-runner/requirements.txt
to ensure the wasi test runner has all the necessary dependencies installed.
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd bytebox
zig build test-unit # run builtin zig unit tests
zig build test-wasm # run official wasm spec testsuite
zig build test-wasi # run official wasi spec testsuite
zig build test-mem64 # run memory64 compat test
zig build test # run all of the above in parallel (output will not be pretty!)
You can use the standalone runtime to load and execute WebAssembly programs:
zig build run -- <file> [function] [function args]...
Or embed Bytebox in your own programs:
// build.zig
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: * void {
const exe = b.addExecutable("my_program", "src/main.zig");
.name = "bytebox",
.source = .{ .path = "bytebox/src/core.zig" }, // submodule in the root dir
const run =;
const step = b.step("run", "runs my_program");
// main.zig
const std = @import("std");
const bytebox = @import("bytebox");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
var allocator: std.mem.Allocator = gpa.allocator();
const wasm_data: []u8 = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, "example.wasm", 1024 * 128);
const module_def = try bytebox.createModuleDefinition(allocator, .{});
defer module_def.destroy();
try module_def.decode(wasm_data);
const module_instance = try bytebox.createModuleInstance(.Stack, module_def, allocator);
defer module_instance.destroy();
try module_instance.instantiate(.{});
Inter-language FFI is also supported. See src/bytebox.h
for an overview in C. To use bytebox as a static library, link with the built library in zig-out/lib/
. Note that Zig assumes a default stack size of 8MB, so you'll need to ensure the same in your program.
This project is still in the alpha stage.
Legend | Meaning |
✅ | Implemented |
❌ | TODO |
💀 | Not planned/Removed from spec |
WebAssembly support:
Status | Feature |
✅ | WebAssembly 1.0 |
✅ | Sign extension instructions |
✅ | Non-trapping float-to-int conversion |
✅ | Multiple values |
✅ | Reference types |
✅ | Table instructions |
✅ | Multiple tables |
✅ | Bulk memory and table instructions |
✅ | Vector instructions |
WASI Preview 1 support:
Status | Feature |
✅ | args_get |
✅ | args_sizes_get |
✅ | environ_get |
✅ | environ_sizes_get |
✅ | clock_res_get |
✅ | clock_time_get |
✅ | fd_advise |
✅ | fd_allocate |
✅ | fd_close |
✅ | fd_datasync |
✅ | fd_fdstat_get |
✅ | fd_fdstat_set_flags |
💀 | fd_fdstat_set_rights |
✅ | fd_filestat_get |
✅ | fd_filestat_set_size |
✅ | fd_filestat_set_times |
✅ | fd_pread |
✅ | fd_prestat_get |
✅ | fd_prestat_dir_name |
✅ | fd_pwrite |
✅ | fd_read |
✅ | fd_readdir |
✅ | fd_renumber |
✅ | fd_seek |
❌ | fd_sync |
✅ | fd_tell |
✅ | fd_write |
✅ | path_create_directory |
✅ | path_filestat_get |
✅ | path_filestat_set_times |
❌ | path_link |
✅ | path_open |
❌ | path_readlink |
✅ | path_remove_directory |
❌ | path_rename |
✅ | path_symlink |
✅ | path_unlink_file |
❌ | poll_oneoff |
✅ | proc_exit |
💀 | proc_raise |
❌ | sched_yield |
✅ | random_get |
❌ | sock_accept |
❌ | sock_recv |
❌ | sock_send |
❌ | sock_shutdown |
These tasks must be completed to enter alpha:
- API ergonomics pass
- Documentation
- General TODO/code cleanup
- Crash hardening/fuzzing
To enter beta:
- No breaking API changes after this point
- Performance competitive with other well-known interpreters (e.g. micro-wasm-runtime, wasm3)
To have a 1.0 release:
- Tested with a wide variety of wasm programs
- Successfully used in other beta-quality projects