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F2              Tags (Fzf)
F3              Recently Used Files (Fzf)
F3-S            Buffers (Fzf)
F4              Close buffer
F6              Jump between source (.c) and headers files (.h)
F7              Close quickfix list (:ccl)
F8              Write all buffers and Make
F8-S            Write current buffer and Make
F9              TaskList: view TODOs, etc. in current file
F10             Tag list - code structure

gv              Re-select last visual selection
gf              Open filename under cursor
gq<MOTION>      Format lines. Like = for comments. e.g. enforce text width, move words between lines, etc.
\*              Recursive grep for symbol under cursor. (TODO: remap to use ack, remove vim-visual-star)
gc<MOTION>/gcc  Commentary: Comment out a motion/line
\<Space>[N] X   Easy Align [V mode] - aligns selection about the Nth 'X'. (N is optional)
\ <MOTION>      Easy Align [N mode] - as above, but with a motion. e.g. '\ 4j'
mX              Set mark X to cursor position
`X              Go to mark X (as indicated in gutter)
^W<ARROW>       Go to window in <DIR>
^Wq             Close current window
^T / ^D         [I mode]: (un)indent the current line
^W / ^U         [I mode]: delete the last word/line
^Y / ^E         [I mode]: insert the character in the same column, above/below line
zf/zc/zo/za     Create/close/open/toggle a fold
zm/zr           Close/open a level of folds. (more/reduce folding)
ai/ii           Text object for block of indented code, optionally including the previous unindented line. Cursor must be inside indented block.
gn              Text object for search result
\s / \S         Skip to point half-way between cursor and end/start of line (vim-skip)
\gs             Go to midpoint of line (vim-skip)
[i / [I         Show the definition of / all references to the identifier under the cursor. (Useful for checking types)
gd / gD         Go to the definition of the current identifier in the current file / function.
z/ / z?         Forward/backward fuzzy search
\\ft            Set filetype (fzf.vim)

ys<MOTION>]     Surround MOTION with ] brackets (use left bracket to add spaces). Supports XML tags as well.
yss]            Surround line with ] brackets
csAB            Change delimeter 'A' to 'B'. e.g. cs'"
ds]             Delete surrounding [] brackets
S               [V mode]: surround selection

crs             Coerce to snake_case
crc             Coerce to camelCase
crm             Coerce to MixedCase
cru             Coerce to UPPER_CASE

]q              Next error (:cn). Capitalise to go to first/last.
]b              Next buffer (:bn, <C-Tab>).
]t              Next tag (:tn)
]n              Next git merge conflict marker. Use :diffget to select hunks.

]<Space>        Add (COUNT) blank lines below the cursor. Use [ for above.
]e              Move the current line (count) lines down. Use [ for above.
coc/cou/cox     Toggle cursor line/col/both.
col             Toggle list mode (displays unprintable chars, ends lines with $)
cos             Toggle spell check.
cow             Toggle line wrap
yi/ya/yo...     Prefix any insert-mode entering command with y to enter paste mode.

[x              XML encode. Prefix with count or append motion. ] decodes.
[u              URL encode.
[y              C string encode/escape.

]h              Next git hunk
\gg             Toggle Git gutter signs (may require buffer to be reopened)
\ga / \gr / \gp Stage (add) / Reset (remove) / Preview the current hunk to/fromt the index.
\cd             Switch between file and project root directories. (vim-rooter)
\atw            Toggle airline inconsistent whitespace detection.

<C-n>           Select current word, and go to next instance of word (*)
<C-p>           Deselect current word and go to previous word
<C-x>           Deselect current word and go to next word

<C-Space>       Autocomplete (code aware)
<C-C>g          Go to definition
<C-C>d          Show documentation in panel
<C-c>f          Find references
]m              Go to next function
iM              text object: inside method
iC              text object: inside class

F5             View PDF
F8             Compile
F10            Open table of contents

]s              Next misspelled word
zg              Add word to spellfile
z=              View options for the current word. Can also use <C-X>S in insert mode.
1z=             Replace the current word with the most likely candidate
:spellrepall    Repeat z= for all other instances of that word.

DEBUGGING (see :help vebugger-keymaps)
:VBGstartGDB    Start debugger (requires executable name as arg, supports D, PDB, etc.)
:VBGkill        Stop debugger (alternatively, just let program terminate)
\di \do \dO     Step In/Over/Out
\dc             Continue
\db             Toggle current line as breakpoint
\dB             Clear all breakpoints
\de             Evaluate the word (e.g. variable) under the cursor / selected
\dE             Evaluate an arbitrary expression
\dx \dX         Execute the current line / an arbitrary expression.

:abbreviate                     Adds insert-mode aliases for longer words. Useful for misspellings.
:<RANGE>Subvert/foo/bar/g       Swap foo and bar. Can use f{o,a}r to handle for+far at once. (vim-abolish)
:Ack/:LAck                      Runs ack, puts results in quickfix/location window
:Remove, :Move, :Chmod          Affect the file in the current buffer, updating the buffer to match.
:Find                           Runs find, loads results into quickfix list
:GraphvizInteractive            Auto-updating view for graphs
:SSave / :SLoad / :SDelete      Session management (built-in to Startify, auto-updating)
^K / :digraphs                  Insert non-ASCII characters
:r! / :w! / :!                  Pipe a selection into / replace with / both a process


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