- express+jee - NodeJS Express application front-ending a Java EE application running on Payara Micro
- helloworld_multi - Hello World implemented as a JSF application which calls a function in R, Ruby, JavaScript, Python, and C.
- jee_demo - Demo application in which Python seamlessly manipulates JPA entities. Changes made to the entities are flushed back to the database.
- HelloWorld - Simple hello world application.
Slides for the projects from Devoxx.pl: https://www.slideshare.net/rcuprak/polygot-java-ee-on-the-graalvm-151964564
You can use GraalVM to run embed code from other languages in your Jakarta EE application. Alternatively, you can use GraalVM to embed a Jakarta EE application server in another application. The example of an NodeJS Express application front-ending Payara demonstrates that there are many possibilities!