These script were used to estimate how the pandemic has affected mothers and fathers differently
08.09.2021 / Our analysis shows that despite parents having distributed the additional care work equally, mothers have suffered more than fathers. Because they have been doing more care work to begin with.
08.09.2021 / This analysis shows that in Berlin certain effects were especially grim. People were more depressed compared to the national average and especially single mothers suffered from depression and hopelessness.
We used data from WZB that was open source. Additionally, we received data sets from DIW from their Soep-Cov-dataset and from the Mannheim Corona study
We would like to thank the scientists who shared their data and their advice regarding the interpretation such as: Theresa Entringer, Laura Buchinger, Sabine Zinn (alle DIW), Aline Zucco (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung), Martin Bujard (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Stefan Munnes, Mareike Bünning, Lena Hipp (WZB), Ulrich Krieger (Universität Mannheim).
- See above.
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