Rarimo Near Protocol Smart Contracts
$ sh ./build.sh
To test contracts, run:
$ sh test.sh
Contract | Near Account Address | Hex-Encoded Account Address |
Bridge | bridge.rarimo.testnet |
0x6272696467652e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
Feer | fee.rarimo.testnet |
0x6665652e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
Contract | Near Account Address | Hex-Encoded Account Address | Symbol | Decimals |
USDC | usdc.rarimo.testnet |
0x757364632e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
USDC | 6 |
Wrapped Goerli USDC | wusdc_goerli.rarimo.testnet |
0x77757364635f676f65726c692e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WGUSDC | 6 |
Wrapped Fuji USDC | wusdc_fuji.rarimo.testnet |
0x77757364635f66756a692e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WFUSDC | 6 |
Wrapped Solana USDC | wusdc_sol.rarimo.testnet |
0x77757364635f736f6c2e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WSUSDC | 6 |
Wrapped Solana SOL | wsol.rarimo.testnet |
0x77736f6c2e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WSOL | 9 |
Wrapped Goerli Ethereum | weth_goerli.rarimo.testnet |
0x776574685f676f65726c692e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WGETH | 18 |
Wrapped Fuji Avax | wavax_fuji.rarimo.testnet |
0x77617661785f66756a692e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WFAVAX | 18 |
Wrapped Rarimo RMO | wrmo.rarimo.testnet |
0x77726d6f2e726172696d6f2e746573746e6574 |
WRMO | 6 |
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it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see this issue for more details.