Traefik 3 is now available, on branch master.
Traefik 2 is still usable from branch traefik-2
Make sure you have Docker and docker-compose installed and your DNS records set up
git clone
cd docker-traefik
cd traefik
# create acme.json
touch traefik/acme/acme.json
chmod 600 traefik/acme/acme.json
# create your admin user file
htpasswd -B -C 14 -c traefik/basicAuth/.admin *your-username*
can be found in the package apache2-utils
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
(adjust for your distribution)
In Traefik folder:
Make .env
file on the same model as .env.exemple
docker compose up -d
[email protected] TRAEFIK_URL=traefik.yourdomain.tld docker compose up -d
Feel free to ask for another project
HTTPS is enabled by default, your certificates are generated and automatically renewed
PR are welcome