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Sublime Text 3 C/C++ code completion, navigation plugin. It is based on rtags.


Make sure you Install rtags:

git clone
cd rtags
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
make install

Via Package Control

  • Install Package Control
  • Run “Package Control: Install Package”
  • Install "RtagsComplete"


cd <sublime-text-Packages-dir>
git clone


  • Symbol navigation (Goto definition/declaration)
  • Find usages (Find symbol references, Find virtual function re-implementations)
  • Symbol information
  • Code completion


It is a very unstable plugin. There are a number of limitations:

  • You have to run rdm daemon manually. Better run it before Sublime starts, because plugin creates persistent connection to daemon
  • There is no rdm's project management yet. So it's your responsibility to setup project, pass compilation commands (with rc --compile gcc main.c or rc -J). For more info see LLVM codebase, rtags README, Bear project.

So, the typical workflow is:

  1. Start rdm
  2. Supply it with JSON compilation codebase via rc -J or several rc -c calls.
  3. Start Sublime Text 3

Default keybindings

Keybindings inspired by Qt Creator.

  • Symbol navigation - F2
  • Find usages - Ctrl+Shift+u
  • Find virtual function re-implementations - Ctrl+Shift+x
  • Symbol information - Ctrl+Shift+i
  • Use Alt+/ explicitly for auto-completion
  • Mouse button8 to go backwards (mouse wheel left)



Customize your own keybindings via "Preferences - Package Settings - SublimeRtags - Key Bindings - User"

  {"keys": ["ctrl+shift+u"], "command": "rtags_location", "args": {"switches": ["--absolute-path", "-r"]} },
  {"keys": ["ctrl+shift+x"], "command": "rtags_location", "args": {"switches": ["--absolute-path", "-k", "-r"]} },
  {"keys": ["ctrl+shift+i"], "command": "rtags_symbol_info", "args": {"switches": ["--absolute-path", "--symbol-info"]} },
  {"keys": ["f2"], "command": "rtags_location", "args": {"switches": ["--absolute-path", "-f"]} },
  {"keys": ["ctrl+shift+b"], "command": "rtags_go_backward" },


Customize settings via "Preferences - Package Settings - SublimeRtags - Settings - User"

  /* Path to rc utility if not found in $PATH */
  "rc_path": "/home/ramp/mnt/git/rtags/build/bin/rc",

  /* Seconds for rc utility communication timeout default */
  "rc_timeout": 0.5,

  /* Path to rdm daemon if not found in $PATH */
  "rdm_path": "",

  /* Max number of jump steps */
  "jump_limit": 10,

  /* Supported source file types */
  "file_types": ["source.c", "source.c++", "source.c++.11"],

If you need auto-completion to trigger upon ., -> or :: add following to "Preferences - Settings - User"

      "characters": ".>:",
      "selector": "text, source, meta, string, punctuation, constant"