- ngCordova Plugins - ngCordova comes with over 70 native Cordova plugins that you can easily add to your Angular Cordova apps.
- PhoneGap & Cordova plugins list
- cordova plugins
- Ionic market
- ionic-plugin-keyboard
- plugreg
- telerik plugins - Curated list of Cordova/PhoneGap plugins that have been thoroughly tested, documented, and extended to empower cross-platform hybrid mobile developers.
- ionic-datepicker - A date picker for ionic framework applications
- ionic-timepicker - A time picker for ionic framework applications
- ionic-toast - A toast for ionic framework applications
- ionic-ratings - A ratings plugin for ionic framework applications
- cordova-camera-roll - An iOS camera roll plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap
- ionic-speed-dial - Sass based Animted Fly Menus for ionic platform.
- saveToPhotolibrary - Simple plugin to handle save image to user library on iOS
- refreshgallery - Phonegap Plugin Refresh Gallery
- imgcache - JS library based on the File API to cache images for offline recovery (target: cordova/phonegap & chrome)
- ionic-filter-bar - Filter Bar plugin for the Ionic Framework
- frosted-glass - An optional frosted-glass effect for iOS 7 styled Ionic apps.
- ionic-modal-select - Modal select for Ionic Framework
- ion-tinder-cards - Add Tinder-style card swiping to any app with this simple Ionic Ion.
- ion-swipe-cards - Swipeable card based layout for Ionic and Angular
- ionic-native-transitions - Native transitions (iOS & Android) for Ionic Framework
- tabbedSlideBox - A slider component for ionic framework
- angular-formly - JavaScript powered forms for AngularJS
- ion-autocomplete - A configurable Ionic directive for an autocomplete dropdown
- ion-google-place - Ionic directive for a location dropdown that utilizes google maps
- ion-md-input - A material design inspired text input for Ionic Framework
- ionic-ion-autoListDivider - Gives a set of directives for automatically adding in list dividers for an ng-repeat. (Works for Alphabetical or by Categories)
- ionic-timeline - Simple Ionic timeline
- ionic-timeline - Can use either Images or Icons for your timeline thingy
- ionic-color-picker - Flexible color picker directives for Ionic framework
- ng-walkthrough - A walkthrough/on-boarding/tour guide/learning page directive which is responsive, dynamic, easy to use
- ion-affix - Affix elements for Ionic framework
- ionic-advanced-carousel - Carousel directive for Ionic Frameworks that allows any custom template as an item.
- ion-horizontal-scroll-cards - Horizontal scroll cards inspired by the Spotify app.
- ionic-sidetabs - Side tabs component for Ionic
- ion-slide-box-tabs - An Add-On directive for the ion-slide-box, that adds tabs to the slide box, known from the Android Material Design specification
- ionic_swiped-tabs
- ion-alpha-scroll - Alphabetically indexed list with alpha scroll bar.
- ionic-wizard - A set of angular directives to create a wizard using Ionic's slide box.
- ionic-rating - An angularjs directive that take care of visualising a star rating bar
- ion-sticky - A lightweight Angular directive for Ionic framework to have sticky list headers
- ionic-ion-airbnbmenu - Using this ion you can extend your application menu to look like airbnb mobile app menu
- image-uploader - JavaScript Image Uploader Library for use with Amazon S3
- ion-gallery - Ionic gallery directive
- ion-tree-list - Ionic directive for displaying nested list items.
- ionic-ion-showWhen - A "showWhen" utility directive for the Ionic Framework.
- ionic-segmented-control - Ionic iOS segmented control.
- ionic-scroll-sista - An Ionic plugin that hides the header/tabs while scrolling
- ionic-content-banner - An informational content banner for Ionic applications
- ionicScroller - scroll-buttons for ionic framework
- ion-hide-tabs - Simple directive to hide the tabs on a particular view in an Ionic app.
- ionic-cache-src - A Ionic Plugin for caching, works for any tags, and will show a progress circle when the download is not done
- ionic-photo-browser - When F7 and ionic meet
- ionic-datepicker - A datepicker for ionic, which depends on JQuery.
- IonicImageViewer - AngularJs (+ ionic) mobile friendly image viewer
- ionic-animated-popup - When animate css and ionic POPUP meet
- onezonedatepicker - Onezone Datepicker is a flexible datepicker widget that can be used in your Ionic Framework applications.
- ionic-animated-modal - When animate css and ionic modal meet
- ionic-threads - Ionic component for collapsible comment threads
- ionic-letter-avatar-selector - Letter avatars and list item selection for your ionic 1.x projects
- ion-digit-keyboard - A digital keyboard for apps build using the Ionic framework.
- ion-number-picker - ionic number picker (spinner)
- ionic-ripple - Simple way to add material design ripple effect to elements
- ionic-durationpicker - A duration picker component for hybrid apps developed with ionic framework.
- ionic-numberpicker - Number Picker plugin for Ionic Framework
- cordova-plugin-touchid - Cordova / PhoneGap Touch ID Plugin for Apache Cordova >= 3.0.0
- ionic-process-spinner - ionic-process-spinner is an Angular.js and Ionic Framework extension.
- morphing-carousel-ionic - Morph carousel is an ionic plugin that allows you to add carousel to your application.
- ion-floating-menu - Material UI-like Floating Action Button and Menu for Ionic applications
- WifiWizard - A Cordova plugin for managing Wifi networks
- ionic-datepicker - 'ionic-multi-date-picker' bower component for ionic framework applications
- ionic-snippets-sublime-plugin - A sublime plugin complete with ionic framework snippets
- pullup-footer
- ionic v2 plugins - Ionic Native is a curated set of ES5/ES6/TypeScript wrappers for Cordova/PhoneGap plugins that make adding any native functionality you need to your Ionic, Cordova, or Web View mobile app easy.
- ionic2-nativecamera - Accessing camera using ionic-native
- Code Snippets
- material-action-button
- Ionic2RESTHttpExample - This Example will show you how to make a REST HTTP call with Ionic 2
- There might be few more plugins for ionic framework. If you find any such plugins, which is not mentioned here, please feel free to make a PR or raise an issue with that plugin details.
- Gmail : [email protected]
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- Twitter : https://twitter.com/rajeshwar_9032
- Github : https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla
- Paypal : [email protected]