Ivy Professional School
- Gurugram, India
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahulsisodia06/
- @Rahulsisodia17
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Data cleaning & Data preprocessing and Features Engineering,
Credit risk refers to the chance that a borrower will be unable to make their payments on time and default on their debt.
The data analyses Fresco Retail’s customers’ transaction data to predict return decision using various data points like customer background, payment modes, store types, product nature, etc
Analysis of past years' IPL data with help of complex SQL queries, visualized the outcome in tableau and drawn meaningful conclusions on the outcome
1 UpdatedJan 17, 2022 -
Olympics-Dataset-by-sql Public
120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results from basic biodata on athletes and medal results from Athens 1896 to Rio 2016.
Scraping data from web using python library BeautifulSoup and requests
Predicting Apple Stock Price, we will build an LSTM Model to forecast Apple Stock Prices, using Tensorflow
Movie-Recommendation-System Public
When the user searches for a movie we will recommend the top 5 similar movies using our movie recommendation system.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 25, 2021 -
we will focus on text-based news and attempt to develop a model that will assist us in determining if a certain piece of news is fake or not.
nlp text-mining machine-learning-algorithms naive-bayes-classifier text-processing fake-news-detectionJupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 25, 2021 -
The classification goal is to predict whether the client will subscribe (1/0) to a term deposit (variable y).
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 25, 2021 -
Emotions dataset for NLP classification tasks
This data set contains details of a bank's customers and the target variable is a binary variable reflecting the fact whether the customer left the bank (closed his account) or he continues to be a…
The main goal of viewing or reading the news was to stay updated about what was going on in the world. In the modern era, there are various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 12, 2021 -
The dataset we'll be analyzing is the "Bike Share" data. It shows the number of bikes rented every hour in London and its related parameters.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
Dataset provided with historical sales data for 45 stores located in different region search store contains a number of departments. The company also runs several promotional markdown events throug…
machine-learning data-visualization statistical-analysis data-analysis statistical-tests feature-engineering statistical-modelsJupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
Weather_prediction Public
The dataset is an hourly/daily summary for Szeged, Hungary area, between 2006 and 2016.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
Flight-Fare-Prediction- Public
Flight Fare Prediction Dataset
python machine-learning random-forest data-visualization kaggle feature-selection feature-engineeringJupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 3, 2021 -
Predict the potential loan defaulters
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 27, 2021 -
Jupyter Notebook Updated
Nov 23, 2021 -
There are promotional charges called as Acquisition Cost and Retention Cost in a telco company. The cost of acquiring new consumers is referred to as acquisition cost. Meanwhile, the expense of ret…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
python machine-learning clustering data-visualization kmeans-clustering unsupervised-machine-learningJupyter Notebook Updated
Oct 20, 2021 -
Social-Network-Ads Public
In the given Social_Network_Ads Dataset , predict which customers are more likely to purchase Social Network Ads
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 12, 2021 -
MNIST ("Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology") is the de facto “hello world” dataset of computer vision. Since its release in 1999, this classic dataset of handwritten images has…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 1, 2021 -
Resume-Screening-ML Public
Machine Learning Project on Resume Screening with Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 1, 2021 -
We will apply a classification model that can predict a gene's function based on the DNA sequence.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 29, 2021 -
This dataset contains 4242 images of flowers. The data collection is based on the data Flickr, google images, Yandex images. You can use this dataset to recognize plants from the photo.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 29, 2021