Source content for the Qiskit Textbook
Documentation about scriptless scripts
Ansible playbook to setup a Tor exit node for security research. The educational goals of this project is to learn more about network security monitoring, logging, and enrichment to create a threa…
Naive implementation of ROAST protocol for robust threshold signatures
Thoughts on cross-input (signature) aggregation for Bitcoin
A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links.
personal notes about bitcoin and bitcoin core
A Python / Scapy implementation of the OR (TOR) protocol.
A complete course for learning Bitcoin programming and usage from the command
LNbits, free and open-source Lightning wallet and accounts system.
Some in-depth articles about the Lightning Network
📰 A newsletter about privacy-related developments, events, and conversations in Bitcoin
Lightweight Bitcoin payment processor written in easily deployable Python. Self custody donations and payments on-chain & Lightning network, directly connected to your own Bitcoin node! No middlema…
Channel management tool for lightning network daemon (LND) operators.
WARden with an enhanced Text User Interface for Unix based systems
proof-of-concept implementation of tor protocol using Microsoft CNG/CryptoAPI
A tiny Tor client implementation (in pure python).
Exploring possibilities of ESP32 platform to attack on nearby Wi-Fi networks.
DIY airgapped hardware wallet that uses QR codes for communication with the host
My poster for Financial Crypto 2020 analysing the hash function requirements for Taproot to be secure in the generic group model.