Simple scripts to create a private blackchain based on Multichain using ubuntu vms.
You need vagrant installed to be able to create the vms.
Checkout the project and customize the Vagrantfile
to the values you desire. The default values are.
BOX_IMAGE = "ubuntu/trusty64"
Run vagrant up
to autimatically create all the nodes with multichain binaries on it and setup the seed node of the blockchain on node1.
Assuming the configuration on Vagrantfile wasn't changed you need to ssh to node2:
vagrant ssh node2
And attempt to connect to the seed node:
multichaind [email protected]:4407
This should output a message requiring node1 to give access to node2:
multichain-cli chain1 grant XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX connect,send,receive
Copy the output command and ssh to node1
vagrant ssh node1
Paste the command to give permissions. The output should be something like:
vagrant@node1:~$ multichain-cli chain1 grant 1TqJ1onKCDjnGPoo2tSHf6mVWXb4tS4mksLKR2 connect,send,receive
Return to node2 to start the server.
vagrant ssh node2
Start the node:
multichaind chain1 -daemon
Now you have 2 nodes on your private blockchain.
Issue new assets. Ex: Issue 1000 asset1 which can be divided in groups of 100.
issue <address id> asset1 1000 0.01
Get the address id of a node:
getaddressesbyaccount ""
Transfer 100 asset1 to other address:
sendasset <target address> asset1 100
Get the balance of a wallet:
Lists a wallet's transactions:
listwallettransactions 1