SwiftShield is a tool that generates irreversible, encrypted names for your Swift project classes (including your Pods) in order to protect your app from tools that reverse engineer iOS/macOS apps, such as class-dump. For example, after running SwiftShield, the following class:
class EncryptedVideoPlayer {
func start() {
let controller = ImportantDecryptingController()
class djjck3KDxjs04tgbvb {
func start() {
let controller = aAAAa2nc0dfmDssf()
Your project must be in Swift 3 and must not sure Storyboards/Xibs (for now).
After succesfully encrypting your project, SwiftShield generates a conversionMap.txt
file with all the changes it made to your project, allowing you to pinpoint what an encrypted class really is.
// SwiftShield
// Conversion Map
ViewController ===> YytSIcFnBAqTAyR
AppDelegate ===> uJXJkhVbwdQGNhh
SuperImportantClassThatShouldBeHidden ===> GDqKGsHjJsWQzdq
Warning: SwiftShield irreversibly overwrites all your .swift files. Ideally, you should make sure it runs only on your CI server.
After adding the SwiftShield binary to your project root, create a New Run Script Phase on your Build Phases tab, position it right before the Compile Sources phase and add the following script: (don't forget to change "Release" to something that is only executed by your CI server)
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Release" ]; then
"$SRCROOT/swiftshield" -p "$SRCROOT" -s 15 -v
is the path where SwiftShield should start looking for .swift files. Unless you're storing files outside your project's folders, $SRCROOT will do the trick.
is how long the encrypted names should be.
is optional, and prints additional info about the encrypting proccess.
SwiftShield is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.