A program adds new contacts and effectively search for contacts via ternary search tree (autocomplete based on prefix).
Works interactively, each line on the command line represents one processing instruction. Instruction is either adding a new contact or to search for contacts. Giving instructions ends after reading entire input (reaching EOF).
+ phoneNumber name
- This command adds contact to phone book.
- [phoneNumber] : sequence of characters 0-
: can not be emty
- [name] : sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces
: can not be empty and can not begin nor end with space
- Character '+', number and name on the input line are separated by just one space.
- Name and number are not limited.
? prefix[name||phoneNumber]
- This command searches for contacts either by name or number.
- We do not have to enter full name or number, we can simply enter its prefix
and the program searches all possible contacts that match with this prefix and prints them (autocomplete funtion).
- [name] : sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters and spaces
- [phoneNumber] : sequence of characters 0-9
- Character '?' and prefix on the input line are separated by just one space.
- Empty prefix = print entire phone book.
Input in EBNF language:
input ::= { command '\n' }
command ::= '+' ' ' phoneNumber ' ' name
| '?' ' ' phoneNumber
| '?' ' ' name
| '?' ' '
phoneNumber ::= digit { digit }
name ::= letter { letter | ' ' } letter
| letter
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
letter ::= 'A' | 'B' | ... | 'Z' | 'a' | 'b' | ... | 'z'