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robnagler edited this page Nov 29, 2023 · 13 revisions

Setting Up Mac


Go through the normal setup process to create your account. Turn off all privacy related features ("customize settings") such as locations services, siri, and reporting errors to Apple.

Encrypt laptop in MacFileVault. Ensure password required immediately (security & privacy). Login window is just boxes not a list of names (login options).

Install dot files with Terminal:

# forces xcode install
curl | bash -s home


We have a common set of dot files to make certain things easier. They get updated automatically. You can customize them. For example, if you want color, you put this in ~/.pre_bivio_bashrc:

export bivio_color=1

Depending on how you use git, you may want to edit ~/.gitconfig and ~/.netrc. These files are documented, but if you have questions, please ask one of the software people.

You probably want to install the following tools. We do not require that you use a particular browser. If you want access to a Linux environment on your Mac, we only support VirtualBox/Vagrant.

  • Chrome
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant
  • iTerm (optional)

Login Options


Security Issues

Since High Sierra, applications must be allowed to access the full disk, install, etc. Here are links to what you need to do for various tools:

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