I am a Clojure noob specifically, and a functional programming noob in general. I'm using this project not just to learn Clojure but also to train myself in how to think functionally. I have absolutely no doubt that the code in this project is inefficient, inelegant, and just downright wrong in many ways. May the functional gods have mercy on my soul.
clojure-noob is a random text generator that works by building a Markov Chain from some seed data. I don't take any pains to make it particularly good at generating very "random" or "believable" text, as I am more concerned with the programming journey, so to speak.
clojure-noob can be built with either Leiningen or Gradle.
$ ./lein uberjar
$ ./gradlew uberjar
The build will automatically download any dependencies it needs, including Leiningen/Gradle itself. The only thing you need to have pre-installed is a Java 5+ JDK.
Once the build has completed, you will find a fat jar in the build folder (different for each build tool.)
Copyright © 2014 radford-nguyen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.