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radekg committed Jan 9, 2022
1 parent 62d306f commit 76f9c19
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Showing 9 changed files with 676 additions and 757 deletions.
422 changes: 134 additions & 288 deletions client/client.go

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354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions client/single_node_client.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
package client

import (

ybApi ""

var recvChunkSize = 4 * 1024

// Connect connects to the master server without TLS.
func Connect(cfg *configs.YBSingleNodeClientConfig, logger hclog.Logger) (YBConnectedClient, error) {
if logger == nil {
logger = hclog.Default().Named("default-client-log")
if cfg.TLSConfig != nil {
return connectTLS(cfg, logger)
return connect(cfg, logger)

func connect(cfg *configs.YBSingleNodeClientConfig, logger hclog.Logger) (YBConnectedClient, error) {
logger.Debug("connecting non-TLS client")
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", cfg.MasterHostPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := &defaultSingleNodeClient{
originalConfig: cfg,
chanConnected: make(chan struct{}, 1),
chanConnectErr: make(chan error, 1),
closeFunc: func() error {
return conn.Close()
conn: conn,
logger: logger,
svcRegistry: NewDefaultServiceRegistry(),
return client.afterConnect(), nil

func connectTLS(cfg *configs.YBSingleNodeClientConfig, logger hclog.Logger) (YBConnectedClient, error) {
logger.Debug("connecting TLS client")
conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", cfg.MasterHostPort, cfg.TLSConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := &defaultSingleNodeClient{
originalConfig: cfg,
chanConnected: make(chan struct{}, 1),
chanConnectErr: make(chan error, 1),
closeFunc: func() error {
return conn.Close()
conn: conn,
logger: logger,
svcRegistry: NewDefaultServiceRegistry(),
return client.afterConnect(), nil

// Connected client

// YBConnectedClient represents a connected client.
type YBConnectedClient interface {
// Close closes the connected client.
Close() error
// Execute executes the payload against the service
// and populates the response with the response data.
Execute(payload, response protoreflect.ProtoMessage) error
// Retrieves the master registration information or error if the request failed.
GetMasterRegistration() (*ybApi.GetMasterRegistrationResponsePB, error)
// Returns a channel which closed when the client is connected.
OnConnected() <-chan struct{}
// Returns a channel which will return an error if connect fails.
OnConnectError() <-chan error

type defaultSingleNodeClient struct {
originalConfig *configs.YBSingleNodeClientConfig
callCounter int
chanConnected chan struct{}
chanConnectErr chan error
closeFunc func() error
conn net.Conn
logger hclog.Logger
svcRegistry ServiceRegistry

// Close closes a connected client.
func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) Close() error {
return c.closeFunc()

// Execute executes the payload against the service
// and populates the response with the response data.
func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) Execute(payload, response protoreflect.ProtoMessage) error {
return c.executeOp(payload, response)

// GetMasterRegistration retrieves the master registration information or error if the request failed.
func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) GetMasterRegistration() (*ybApi.GetMasterRegistrationResponsePB, error) {
payload := &ybApi.GetMasterRegistrationRequestPB{}
responsePayload := &ybApi.GetMasterRegistrationResponsePB{}
if err := c.Execute(payload, responsePayload); err != nil {
return nil, err
return responsePayload, errors.NewMasterError(responsePayload.Error)

// OnConnected returns a channel which closed when the client is connected.
func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) OnConnected() <-chan struct{} {
return c.chanConnected

// OnConnectError returns a channel which will return an error if connect fails.
func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) OnConnectError() <-chan error {
return c.chanConnectErr

/// Private interface

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) afterConnect() *defaultSingleNodeClient {
go func() {
c.logger.Debug("sending connection header")
header := append([]byte("YB"), 1)
n, err := c.conn.Write(header)
if err != nil {
c.chanConnectErr <- err
if n != len(header) {
c.chanConnectErr <- fmt.Errorf("header not written: %d vs expected %d", n, len(header))
c.logger.Debug("client connected")
return c

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) callID() int {
currentID := c.callCounter
c.callCounter = c.callCounter + 1
return currentID

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) recv() (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
for {
chunk := make([]byte, recvChunkSize)
n, err := c.conn.Read(chunk)
if err != nil {
return buf, err
// we read an EOF, finished reading
// previous iteration was fitting
// all in one recvChunkSize
if n == 4 && chunk[0] == 0 && chunk[1] == 0 && chunk[2] == 0 && chunk[3] == 0 {
// otherwise, read what we've got:
// if we have read exactly recvChunkSize, we continue reading
if n == recvChunkSize {
// we can't read more so this implies we read less
return buf, nil

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) send(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
nBytesToWrite := buf.Len()
n, err := c.conn.Write(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if n != nBytesToWrite {
return fmt.Errorf("not all bytes written: %d vs expected %d", n, nBytesToWrite)
return nil

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) readResponseInto(reader *bytes.Buffer, m protoreflect.ProtoMessage) error {

opLogger := c.logger.Named("read-response-into").With("message", m.ProtoReflect().Type().Descriptor().Name())

// Read the complete data length:
var dataLength int32
if err := binary.Read(reader, binary.BigEndian, &dataLength); err != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed reading response header length", "reason", err)
return err

opLogger.Trace("data-length", "value", dataLength)

responseHeaderLength, err := utils.ReadUvarint32(reader)
if err != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed reading response header length", "reason", err)
return err

opLogger.Trace("response-header-length", "value", responseHeaderLength)

// Now I can read the response header:
responseHeaderBuf := make([]byte, responseHeaderLength)
n, err := reader.Read(responseHeaderBuf)
if err != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed reading response header", "reason", err)
return err

"expected-header-length", responseHeaderLength,
"read-header-length", n)

if uint64(n) != responseHeaderLength {
opLogger.Trace("response header read bytes count != expected count",
"read-data", string(responseHeaderBuf))
opLogger.Error("response header read bytes count != expected count",
"expected-header-length", responseHeaderLength,
"read-header-length", n)
return fmt.Errorf("expected to read %d but read %d", responseHeaderLength, n)

responseHeader := &ybApi.ResponseHeader{}
protoErr := utils.DeserializeProto(responseHeaderBuf, responseHeader)
if protoErr != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed unmarshalling response header", "reason", err)
return err

opLogger = opLogger.With("call-id", *responseHeader.CallId,
"is-error", *responseHeader.IsError,
"sidecars-count", len(responseHeader.SidecarOffsets))

// This here is currently a guess but I believe the corretc mechanism sits here:
// The encoding/binary.ReadUvarint and encoding/binary.ReadVarint doesn't do what it supposed to do
// hence the custom code here.
responsePayloadLength, err := utils.ReadUvarint32(reader)
if err != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed reading response payload length", "reason", err)
return err

opLogger.Trace("response-payload-length", "value", responsePayloadLength)

// if there was no data but the call did not result in an error,
// return successful no data response:
if !*responseHeader.IsError && responsePayloadLength == 0 {
opLogger.Debug("payload was empty but no error, assuming OK")
return nil

responsePayloadBuf := make([]byte, responsePayloadLength)
n, err = reader.Read(responsePayloadBuf)
if err != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed reading response payload", "reason", err)
return err

"expected-payload-length", responsePayloadLength,
"read-payload-length", n)

if uint64(n) < responsePayloadLength {
opLogger.Trace("not all data consumed yet, receiving remainder...",
"expected-payload-length", responsePayloadLength,
"consumed-payload-length", n)
for {
buf, err := c.recv()
if err != nil {
opLogger.Error("response payload read bytes count != expected count",
"expected-payload-length", responsePayloadLength,
"read-payload-length", n)
return fmt.Errorf("expected to read %d but read %d", responsePayloadLength, n)

n = n + buf.Len()
responsePayloadBuf = append(responsePayloadBuf, buf.Bytes()...)

if uint64(n) == responsePayloadLength {
opLogger.Trace("consumed all expected data",
"expected-payload-length", responsePayloadLength,
"consumed-payload-length", n)

if uint64(n) > responsePayloadLength {
opLogger.Error("consumed too much data",
"expected-payload-length", responsePayloadLength,
"consumed-payload-length", n)
return fmt.Errorf("consumed too much data, expected %d but read %d", responsePayloadLength, n)

protoErr2 := utils.DeserializeProto(responsePayloadBuf, m)
if protoErr2 != nil {
opLogger.Error("failed unmarshalling response payload", "reason", protoErr2, "consumed-data", string(responsePayloadBuf))
return err

return nil

func (c *defaultSingleNodeClient) executeOp(payload, result protoreflect.ProtoMessage) error {

svcInfo := c.svcRegistry.Get(payload)
if svcInfo == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no service info for proto type '%s'", payload.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()) // TODO: introduce a proper error type

requestHeader := &ybApi.RequestHeader{
CallId: utils.PInt32(int32(c.callID())),
RemoteMethod: svcInfo.ToRemoteMethodPB(),
TimeoutMillis: utils.PUint32(c.originalConfig.OpTimeout),

b := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
if err := utils.WriteMessages(b, requestHeader, payload); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.send(b); err != nil {
return err
buffer, err := c.recv() // TODO: can move this to readResponseInto
if err != nil {
return err
readResponseErr := c.readResponseInto(buffer, result)
if readResponseErr != nil {
return readResponseErr
return nil

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