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Asus Transformer Infinity tf700t

Stuff for Asus Infinity tf700t tablet

Unlock tf700 bootloader


Backup tf700 through nvflash

  1. Reboot in APX mode (Power+VolUp)
  2. Connect tf700 to usb
  3. Load bootloader through whelle:
  • wheelie --blob backup/AndroidRoot/blob.bin

  1. Get backup:
  • nvflash -r --rawdeviceread 0 2944 backup/block/bricksafe_0_2944.img

  • nvflash -r --getpartitiontable backup/block/partitiontable.txt

  • nvflash -r --read 2 backup/block/02_BCT.img

  • nvflash -r --read 3 backup/block/03_PT.img

  • nvflash -r --read 4 backup/block/04_EBT.img

  • nvflash -r --read 5 backup/block/05_SOS.img

  • nvflash -r --read 6 backup/block/06_LNX.img

  • nvflash -r --read 7 backup/block/07_CER.img

  • nvflash -r --read 8 backup/block/08_IMG.img

  • nvflash -r --read 9 backup/block/09_GP1.img

  1. Also you can get other partitions with android:
  • nvflash -r --read 10 backup/block/10_APP.img

  • nvflash -r --read 11 backup/block/11_CAC.img

  • nvflash -r --read 12 backup/block/12_MSC.img

  • nvflash -r --read 13 backup/block/13_USP.img

  • nvflash -r --read 14 backup/block/14_PER.img

  • nvflash -r --read 15 backup/block/15_YTU.img

  • nvflash -r --read 16 backup/block/16_CRA.img

  • nvflash -r --read 17 backup/block/17_UDA.img

Backup tf700 through dd on unlocked rooted android

  1. Go to root mode:
  • $ su
  1. Try to get locked information:
  • hexdump -C | head -n3

  1. If you see:
  • Non-zero bytes from 0x00000000 to 0x00000020 - you have unlocked bootloader and can continue backup
  • Zero bytes from 0x00000000 to 0x00380000 - you have locked or nvflashed (AndroidRoot) bootloader and can't continue this backup
  1. Get partitions:
  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/bricksafe_0_2944.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 count=2944

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/02_BCT.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 count=768

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/03_PT.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 count=128 skip=767

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/04_EBT.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 count=2048 skip=896

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/05_SOS.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 skip=2944 count=2048

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/06_LNX.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 skip=4992 count=2048

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/07_CER.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 skip=7040 count=2048

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/08_IMG.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 skip=9088 count=2048

  • dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=backup/block/09_GP1.img ibs=4096 bs=4096 skip=11136 count=256

Build Linux Kernel

  1. Get kernel source from Hundsbuah
  • $ git clone git:// source/kernel/src
  1. Get linaro armhf gcc 4.7 toolchain from Linaro release site
  2. Unpack it to source/toolchain dir:
  • $ tar xvf gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-*.tar.bz2 --strip-components=1 -C source/toolchain
  1. Set need environment:
  • $ export KERNEL_OUT=../out MODULES_OUT=../out_modules CROSS_COMPILE=../../toolchain/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- ARCH=arm
  1. Build kernel and install modules:
  • $ cd source/kernel/src && make -j4 O=$KERNEL_OUT zImage && make -j4 modules O=$KERNEL_OUT DESTDIR=$MODULES_OUT && make -j4 modules_install O=$KERNEL_OUT INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$MODULES_OUT ; cd ../../..
  1. Copy modules to Multi:
  • $ rm -rf boot/img/ramdisk/lib/modules && cp -a source/kernel/out_modules/lib/modules boot/img/ramdisk/lib/

Create boot image

  1. Install abootimg tool:
  • apt-get install abootimg

  1. Prepare ramdisk:
  • $ rm -rf boot/img/ramdisk; cp -af boot/ramdisk/stock boot/img/ramdisk && cp -af boot/ramdisk/multi/* boot/img/ramdisk/
  1. Make ramdisk:
  • $ cd boot/img/ramdisk && find | cpio -H newc -o | lzma -9 > ../initrd.img && cd ../../..
  1. Build boot image:
  • $ abootimg --create boot/img/boot.img -k source/kernel/out/arch/arm/boot/zImage -f boot/bootimg.cfg -r boot/img/initrd.img
  1. Init blobtools:
  • $ git submodule update --init tools/blobtools
  1. Build blobtools:
  • $ cd tools/blobtools && make && cd ../..
  1. Prepare blob file:
  • $ tools/blobtools/blobpack boot/img/boot.blob.tosign LNX boot/img/boot.img
  1. Prepend header of the blob, thanx that:
  • $ echo -ne "-SIGNED-BY-SIGNBLOB-\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" | cat - boot/img/boot.blob.tosign > boot/img/boot.blob

Create rootfs on SD card

  1. Name of rootfs archive file should start with "rootfs-" string
  2. You can use tar.lzma (by default), tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.xz rootfs file extensions
  3. If you prepared working disk.img - you can mount it and use tools/

Test boot linux

  1. Power off android
  2. Insert SD card into dock SD cardreader
  3. Connect your pad to host system by usb datacable
  4. Install fastboot tool:
  • apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

  1. Power on pad and goto fastboot mode:
  • Hold on Power and Volume Down buttons
  • You see message and wait 5 seconds
  • Now you see 3 items in menu - select fastboot by click on Volume Down
  • Select fastboot mode by click on Volume Up button
  • Now you're pad in fastboot mode
  1. Test your device:
  • fastboot devices

  • You will see your device in output list
  1. Boot with your boot image:
  • fastboot boot boot/img/boot.img

  1. Done. Device should boot your rootfs

Build busybox

  1. $ git submodule update --init source/busybox/src
  2. $ cd source/busybox/src
  3. $ export KBUILD_OUTPUT=../out ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=../../toolchain/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
  4. $ make -j4 install
  5. $ cd ../../..

Create installer

  1. Prepare kernel zImage and modules
  2. Prepare busybox binary
  3. Create zip archive:
  • $ tools/


elan-touchscreen xorg driver "mtev":

  1. Get it:
  • $ git clone git://
  1. Unpack archive:
  • $ cd xorg-x11-drv-mtev
  • $ tar xvf *.tar.gz
  1. Patch it to current Xorg api version and add button emulation:
  • $ cd xorg-x11-drv-mtev
  • $ patch -p1 < ../xorg-x11-drv-mtev-0.1.13-update-code-for-xserver-1.11.patch
  • $ patch -p1 < ../xorg-x11-drv-mtev-0.1.13-add-right-mouse-button-emulation.patch
  1. Install deps:
  • $ sudo apt-get install libxi-dev
  1. Build & install package:
  • $ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -rfakeroot
  • $ sudo dpkg -i ../xserver-xorg-input-mtev_0.1.13_armhf.deb

ubuntu-touch specific:


Stuff for Asus Infinity tf700t tablet






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