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CQv2: Fix property suite
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Also always check the CRC32 even if not currently configured
to do so, if the CRC is available in the data.
  • Loading branch information
lhoguin committed Jul 18, 2022
1 parent be3e439 commit fd1d7f1
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 54 deletions.
110 changes: 60 additions & 50 deletions deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,10 +123,11 @@ init(#resource{ virtual_host = VHost } = Name) ->

terminate(State0 = #qs{ read_fd = ReadFd }) ->
?DEBUG("~0p", [State0]),
State = flush_buffer(State0),
State = flush_buffer(State0, fun(Fd) -> ok = file:sync(Fd) end),
State#qs{ write_segment = undefined,
write_offset = ?HEADER_SIZE,
cache = #{},
read_segment = undefined,
read_fd = undefined }.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,35 +160,41 @@ get_write_offset(Segment, Size, State = #qs{ write_segment = Segment,
write_offset = Offset }) ->
{Offset, State#qs{ write_offset = Offset + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size }};
get_write_offset(Segment, Size, State = #qs{ write_segment = WriteSegment })
when Segment > WriteSegment; WriteSegment =:= undefined ->
SegmentEntryCount = segment_entry_count(),
FromSeqId = Segment * SegmentEntryCount,
ToSeqId = FromSeqId + SegmentEntryCount,
ok = file:write_file(segment_file(Segment, State),
<< ?MAGIC:32,
0:344 >>,
when Segment > WriteSegment ->
{?HEADER_SIZE, State#qs{ write_segment = Segment,
write_offset = ?HEADER_SIZE + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size }}.
write_offset = ?HEADER_SIZE + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size }};
%% The first time we write we have to figure out the write_offset by
%% looking at the segment file directly.
get_write_offset(Segment, Size, State = #qs{ write_segment = undefined }) ->
Offset = case file:open(segment_file(Segment, State), [read, raw, binary]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
{ok, Offset0} = file:position(Fd, eof),
ok = file:close(Fd),
case Offset0 of
_ -> Offset0
{error, enoent} ->
{Offset, State#qs{ write_segment = Segment,
write_offset = Offset + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size }}.

-spec sync(State) -> State when State::state().

sync(State) ->
?DEBUG("~0p", [State]),
flush_buffer(State, fun(_) -> ok end).

maybe_flush_buffer(State = #qs{ write_buffer_size = WriteBufferSize }) ->
case WriteBufferSize >= max_cache_size() of
true -> flush_buffer(State);
true -> flush_buffer(State, fun(_) -> ok end);
false -> State

flush_buffer(State = #qs{ write_buffer_size = 0 }) ->
flush_buffer(State = #qs{ write_buffer_size = 0 }, _) ->
flush_buffer(State0 = #qs{ write_buffer = WriteBuffer }) ->
flush_buffer(State0 = #qs{ write_buffer = WriteBuffer }, FsyncFun) ->
CheckCRC32 = check_crc32(),
SegmentEntryCount = segment_entry_count(),
%% First we prepare the writes sorted by segment.
Expand All @@ -196,7 +203,22 @@ flush_buffer(State0 = #qs{ write_buffer = WriteBuffer }) ->
%% Then we do the writes for each segment.
State = lists:foldl(fun({Segment, LocBytes}, FoldState) ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open(segment_file(Segment, FoldState), [read, write, raw, binary]),
case file:position(Fd, eof) of
{ok, 0} ->
%% We write the file header if it does not exist.
FromSeqId = Segment * SegmentEntryCount,
ToSeqId = FromSeqId + SegmentEntryCount,
ok = file:write(Fd,
<< ?MAGIC:32,
0:344 >>);
_ ->
ok = file:pwrite(Fd, lists:sort(LocBytes)),
ok = file:close(Fd),
end, State0, Writes),
Expand All @@ -222,17 +244,17 @@ flush_buffer_build(Tail = [{SeqId, _}|_], _, SegmentThreshold, _, WriteOffset, W
_ -> {Tail, [{WriteOffset, lists:reverse(WriteAcc)}|Acc]}
flush_buffer_build([{_, Entry = {Offset, Size, _}}|Tail],
CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount, Offset, WriteOffset, WriteAcc, Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount,
CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold, Offset, WriteOffset, WriteAcc, Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold,
Offset + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size, WriteOffset,
[build_data(Entry, CheckCRC32)|WriteAcc], Acc);
flush_buffer_build([{_, Entry = {Offset, Size, _}}|Tail],
CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount, _, _, [], Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount,
CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold, _, _, [], Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold,
Offset + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size, Offset, [build_data(Entry, CheckCRC32)], Acc);
flush_buffer_build([{_, Entry = {Offset, Size, _}}|Tail],
CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount, _, WriteOffset, WriteAcc, Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentEntryCount,
CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold, _, WriteOffset, WriteAcc, Acc) ->
flush_buffer_build(Tail, CheckCRC32, SegmentThreshold,
Offset + ?ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + Size, Offset, [build_data(Entry, CheckCRC32)],
[{WriteOffset, lists:reverse(WriteAcc)}|Acc]);
flush_buffer_build([], _, _, _, _, [], Acc) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +445,8 @@ get_read_fd(Segment, State = #qs{ read_fd = OldFd }) ->
read_fd = undefined }}
{error, enoent} ->
{{error, no_file}, State}
{{error, no_file}, State#qs{ read_segment = undefined,
read_fd = undefined }}

-spec check_msg_on_disk(rabbit_variable_queue:seq_id(), msg_location(), State)
Expand All @@ -444,16 +467,10 @@ check_msg_on_disk(SeqId, {?MODULE, Offset, Size}, State0) ->
0 ->
{ok, State};
1 ->
%% We only want to check the CRC32 if configured to do so.
case check_crc32() of
false ->
{ok, State};
true ->
CRC32 = erlang:crc32(MsgBin),
case <<CRC32:16>> of
CRC32Expected -> {ok, State};
_ -> {{error, bad_crc}, State}
CRC32 = erlang:crc32(MsgBin),
case <<CRC32:16>> of
CRC32Expected -> {ok, State};
_ -> {{error, bad_crc}, State}
_ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,23 +535,16 @@ delete_segments(Segments, State0 = #qs{ write_buffer = WriteBuffer0,
|| Segment <- Segments],
%% Finally, we remove any entries from the buffer that fall within
%% the segments that were deleted. For simplicity's sake, we take
%% the highest SeqId from these files and remove any SeqId lower
%% than or equal to this SeqId from the buffer.
%% @todo If this becomes a performance issue we may take inspiration
%% from sets:filter/2.
HighestSegment = lists:foldl(fun
(S, SAcc) when S > SAcc -> S;
(_, SAcc) -> SAcc
end, -1, Segments),
HighestSeqId = (1 + HighestSegment) * segment_entry_count(),
%% the segments that were deleted.
SegmentEntryCount = segment_entry_count(),
{WriteBuffer, WriteBufferSize} = maps:fold(fun
(SeqId, {_, MsgSize, _}, {WriteBufferAcc, WriteBufferSize1})
when SeqId =< HighestSeqId ->
{WriteBufferAcc, WriteBufferSize1 - MsgSize};
(SeqId, Value, {WriteBufferAcc, WriteBufferSize1}) ->
{WriteBufferAcc#{SeqId => Value}, WriteBufferSize1}
(SeqId, Value = {_, MsgSize, _}, {WriteBufferAcc, WriteBufferSize1}) ->
case lists:member(SeqId div SegmentEntryCount, Segments) of
true ->
{WriteBufferAcc, WriteBufferSize1 - MsgSize};
false ->
{WriteBufferAcc#{SeqId => Value}, WriteBufferSize1}
end, {#{}, WriteBufferSize0}, WriteBuffer0),
State#qs{ write_buffer = WriteBuffer,
write_buffer_size = WriteBufferSize }.
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ convert_from_v2_to_v1(State0 = #vqstate{ index_mod = rabbit_classic_queue_inde
%% We have already closed the v2 index/store FDs when deleting the files.
State#vqstate{ index_mod = rabbit_queue_index,
index_state = V1Index,
store_state = V2Store }.
store_state = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:terminate(V2Store) }.

convert_from_v2_to_v1_in_memory(State0 = #vqstate{ q1 = Q1b,
q2 = Q2b,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2406,13 +2406,12 @@ purge_pending_ack(KeepPersistent,
store_state = StoreState0,
msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
{IndexOnDiskSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore, SeqIdsInStore, State1} = purge_pending_ack1(State),
StoreState1 = lists:foldl(fun rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:remove/2, StoreState0, SeqIdsInStore),
%% @todo Sounds like we might want to remove only transients from the cache?
case KeepPersistent of
true -> remove_transient_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, MSCState),
State1 #vqstate { store_state = StoreState1 };
false -> {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} =
IndexMod:ack(IndexOnDiskSeqIds, IndexState),
StoreState1 = lists:foldl(fun rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:remove/2, StoreState0, SeqIdsInStore),
StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:delete_segments(DeletedSegments, StoreState1),
remove_vhost_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, MSCState),
State1 #vqstate { index_state = IndexState1,
Expand Down

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