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Merge pull request #81 from rabbitmq/support-erlang-25
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Support Erlang/OTP 25
  • Loading branch information
dumbbell authored Apr 20, 2022
2 parents 7bae24e + 66a8e2b commit 0af0732
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Showing 3 changed files with 104 additions and 14 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions rebar.config
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@

{dialyzer, [{plt_extra_apps, [edoc, eunit, inets, mnesia, proper, ssl, xmerl]},
{warnings, [race_conditions,
{warnings, [underspecs,

Expand Down
113 changes: 101 additions & 12 deletions src/khepri_fun.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,8 @@
code = [] :: [#function{}],
%% Added in this module to stored the decoded "Line"
%% chunk.
lines :: #lines{} | undefined}).
lines :: #lines{} | undefined,
strings :: binary() | undefined}).

-type ensure_instruction_is_permitted_fun() ::
fun((Instruction :: beam_instr()) -> ok).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ fun((#{calls := #{Call :: mfa() => true},
functions = #{} :: #{mfa() => #function{}},

lines_in_progress :: #lines{} | undefined,
strings_in_progress :: binary() | undefined,
mfa_in_progress :: mfa() | undefined,
function_in_progress :: atom() | undefined,
next_label = 1 :: label(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -959,6 +961,18 @@ pass1_process_instructions(
%% `beam_disasm' did not decode this instruction's field flags.
Instruction = decode_field_flags(Instruction0, 8),
pass1_process_instructions([Instruction | Rest], State, Result);
[{{f, _} = Fail, {u, Heap}, {u, Live}, {u, Unit}, Dst, _, _N, List}]}
| Rest],
Result) when is_list(List) ->
%% `beam_disasm' decoded the instruction's arguments as a tuple inside a
%% list. They should be part of the instruction's tuple. Also, various
%% arguments are not wrapped/unwrapped correctly.
List1 = fix_create_bin_list(List, State),
Instruction = {bs_create_bin, Fail, Heap, Live, Unit, Dst, {list, List1}},
pass1_process_instructions([Instruction | Rest], State, Result);
[{bs_private_append, _, _, _, _, {field_flags, FF}, _} = Instruction0 | Rest],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,28 +1159,41 @@ pass1_process_instructions(
Result) ->
State1 = ensure_instruction_is_permitted(Instruction, State),
Src1 = fix_type_tagged_beam_register(Src),
Instruction1 = setelement(2, Instruction, Src1),

Reg = get_reg_from_type_tagged_beam_register(Src1),
Type = {t_tuple, Element + 1, false, #{}},
VarInfo = {var_info, Src, [{type, Type}]},
VarInfo = {var_info, Reg, [{type, Type}]},
Comment = {'%', VarInfo},
pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction, Comment | Result]);

pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction1, Comment | Result]);
[{select_tuple_arity, Src, _, _} = Instruction | Rest],
Result) ->
State1 = ensure_instruction_is_permitted(Instruction, State),
Src1 = fix_type_tagged_beam_register(Src),
Instruction1 = setelement(2, Instruction, Src1),

Reg = get_reg_from_type_tagged_beam_register(Src1),
Type = {t_tuple, 0, false, #{}},
VarInfo = {var_info, Src, [{type, Type}]},
VarInfo = {var_info, Reg, [{type, Type}]},
Comment = {'%', VarInfo},
pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction, Comment | Result]);
pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction1, Comment | Result]);
[{get_map_elements, _Fail, Src, {list, _}} = Instruction | Rest],
Result) ->
State1 = ensure_instruction_is_permitted(Instruction, State),
Src1 = fix_type_tagged_beam_register(Src),
Instruction1 = setelement(3, Instruction, Src1),

Reg = get_reg_from_type_tagged_beam_register(Src1),
Type = {t_map, any, any},
VarInfo = {var_info, Src, [{type, Type}]},
VarInfo = {var_info, Reg, [{type, Type}]},
Comment = {'%', VarInfo},
pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction, Comment | Result]);
pass1_process_instructions(Rest, State1, [Instruction1, Comment | Result]);
[{put_map_assoc, _Fail, Src, _Dst, _Live, {list, _}} = Instruction | Rest],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1308,9 +1335,18 @@ find_function(
BeamFileRecord :: #beam_file_ext{}.
%% @private

erl_eval_fun_to_asm(Module, Name, Arity, [{_, Bindings, _, _, _, Clauses}])
when Bindings =:= [] orelse %% Erlang is using a list for bindings,
Bindings =:= #{} -> %% but Elixir is using a map.
%% Erlang starting from 25.
erl_eval_fun_to_asm1(Module, Name, Arity, Clauses);
erl_eval_fun_to_asm(Module, Name, Arity, [{Bindings, _, _, Clauses}])
when Bindings =:= [] orelse %% Erlang is using a list for bindings,
Bindings =:= #{} -> %% but Elixir is using a map.
%% Erlang up to 24.
erl_eval_fun_to_asm1(Module, Name, Arity, Clauses).

erl_eval_fun_to_asm1(Module, Name, Arity, Clauses) ->
%% We construct an abstract form based on the `env' of the lambda loaded
%% by `erl_eval'.
Anno = erl_anno:from_term(1),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1345,19 +1381,23 @@ erl_eval_fun_to_asm(Module, Name, Arity, [{Bindings, _, _, Clauses}])
disassemble_module(Module, #state{checksums = Checksums} = State) ->
case Checksums of
#{Module := Checksum} ->
{#beam_file_ext{lines = Lines} = BeamFileRecord,
{#beam_file_ext{lines = Lines,
strings = Strings} = BeamFileRecord,
Checksum} = disassemble_module1(Module, Checksum),

State1 = State#state{lines_in_progress = Lines},
State1 = State#state{lines_in_progress = Lines,
strings_in_progress = Strings},
{BeamFileRecord, State1};
_ ->
{#beam_file_ext{lines = Lines} = BeamFileRecord,
{#beam_file_ext{lines = Lines,
strings = Strings} = BeamFileRecord,
Checksum} = disassemble_module1(Module, undefined),

Checksums1 = Checksums#{Module => Checksum},
State1 = State#state{checksums = Checksums1,
lines_in_progress = Lines},
lines_in_progress = Lines,
strings_in_progress = Strings},
{BeamFileRecord, State1}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1426,13 +1466,15 @@ do_disassemble(Beam) ->
compile_info = CompileInfo,
code = Code} = BeamFileRecord,
Lines = get_and_decode_line_chunk(Module, Beam),
Strings = get_and_decode_string_chunk(Module, Beam),
BeamFileRecordExt = #beam_file_ext{
module = Module,
labeled_exports = LabeledExports,
attributes = Attributes,
compile_info = CompileInfo,
code = Code,
lines = Lines},
lines = Lines,
strings = Strings},

%% The "Line" beam chunk decoding is based on the equivalent C code in ERTS.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1538,6 +1580,17 @@ decode_line_chunk_names(<<>>, I, #lines{name_count = NameCount} = Lines)
when I =:= NameCount ->

get_and_decode_string_chunk(Module, Beam) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(Beam, ["StrT"]) of
{ok, {Module, [{"StrT", Chunk}]}} ->
%% There is nothing to decode: the chunk is made of concatenated
%% binaries. The instruction knows the offset inside the chunk and
%% the length of the binary to extract.
_ ->

%% See: erts/emulator/beam/beam_file.c, beamreader_read_tagged().

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1654,6 +1707,39 @@ decode_field_flags({field_flags, FieldFlagsBitField}) ->
FieldFlags = decode_field_flags(FieldFlagsBitField),
{field_flags, FieldFlags}.

[{atom, string} = Type, Seg, Unit, Flags, {u, Offset} = _Val, Size
| Args],
#state{strings_in_progress = Strings} = State) ->
Seg1 = fix_integer(Seg),
Unit1 = fix_integer(Unit),
Size1 = {integer, Length} = fix_integer(Size),
?assertNotEqual(undefined, Strings),
Binary = binary:part(Strings, {Offset, Length}),
Val = {string, Binary},
[Type, Seg1, Unit1, Flags, Val, Size1 | fix_create_bin_list(Args, State)];
[Type, Seg, Unit, Flags, Val, Size
| Args],
State) ->
Seg1 = fix_integer(Seg),
Unit1 = fix_integer(Unit),
Val1 = fix_integer(Val),
Size1 = fix_integer(Size),
[Type, Seg1, Unit1, Flags, Val1, Size1 | fix_create_bin_list(Args, State)];
fix_create_bin_list([], _State) ->

fix_integer({u, U}) -> U;
fix_integer({i, I}) -> {integer, I};
fix_integer(Other) -> Other.

fix_type_tagged_beam_register({tr, Reg, {Type, _, _}}) -> {tr, Reg, Type};
fix_type_tagged_beam_register(Other) -> Other.

get_reg_from_type_tagged_beam_register({tr, Reg, _}) -> Reg;
get_reg_from_type_tagged_beam_register(Reg) -> Reg.

-spec ensure_instruction_is_permitted(Instruction, State) ->
State when
Instruction :: beam_instr(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1843,6 +1929,9 @@ pass2_process_instruction(
{bs_append, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = Instruction, State) ->
replace_label(Instruction, 2, State);
{bs_create_bin, _, _, _, _, _, _} = Instruction, State) ->
replace_label(Instruction, 2, State);
{bs_init2, _, _, _, _, _, _} = Instruction, State) ->
replace_label(Instruction, 2, State);
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/khepri_tx.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -472,6 +472,8 @@ ensure_instruction_is_permitted({bs_add, _, _, _}) ->
ensure_instruction_is_permitted({bs_append, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) ->
ensure_instruction_is_permitted({bs_create_bin, _, _, _, _, _, _}) ->
ensure_instruction_is_permitted({bs_init2, _, _, _, _, _, _}) ->
ensure_instruction_is_permitted({bs_init_bits, _, _, _, _, _, _}) ->
Expand Down

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