There are plenty of good client implementations of the redis protocol, but not many server implementations.
go-redis-server is a helper library for building server software capable of speaking the redis protocol. This could be an alternate implementation of redis, a custom proxy to redis, or even a completely different backend capable of "masquerading" its API as a redis database.
Support standart redis-cli.
package main
import (
redis ""
type MyHandler struct {
func NewMyHandler() *MyHandler {
h := redis.NewDefaultHandler()
return &MyHandler{h}
// Test implement a new command. Non-redis standard, but it is possible.
func (h *MyHandler) Test() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("Awesome custom redis command!"), nil
// Get override the DefaultHandler's method.
func (h *MyHandler) Set(key string, args ...[]byte) error {
// However, we still can call the DefaultHandler GET method and use it.
err := h.DefaultHandler.Set(key, args...)
if err != nil {
return err
notify := fmt.Sprint("__keyspace@", h.DefaultHandler.CurrentDb, "__:", key)
h.Publish(notify, []byte("set"))
return nil
// Test2 implement a new command. Non-redis standard, but it is possible.
// This function needs to be registered.
func Test2() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte("Awesome custom redis command via function!"), nil
func main() {
myhandler := NewMyHandler()
srv, err := redis.NewServer(redis.DefaultConfig().Proto("tcp").Port(88).Host("localhost").Handler(myhandler))
if err != nil {
if err := srv.RegisterFct("test2", Test2); err != nil {
if err := srv.Start(); err != nil {
- Pub/Sub
- Subscribe
- Publish
- Connection
- Ping
- Select
- Hashes
- HGet
- HGetAll
- HSet
- HMSet
- Hlen
- Keys
- Del
- Keys
- Exists
- Expire
- Rename
- Ttl
- Type
- Scan
- Lists
- Rpush
- Brpop
- Blpop
- Lrange
- Lindex
- Lpush
- Llen
- Lset
- Lrem
- Server
- Config get
- DBsize
- FlushDb
- FlushAll
- Info
- Monitor
- Time
- Strings
- Get
- MGet
- Set
- MSet
- Decr
- Incr
- Sorted Sets
- ZAdd
- Zrange
- Zrangebyscore
- Zrem
- Zremrangebyscore
- Zcard
- Zscore