This is an extension that runs code-server as a devservice.
It is for now a proof of concept, and it is not meant to be used in production dev mode.
- Build the extension:
mvn install
- Add it to your Quarkus project:
quarkus ext add io.quarkiverse.code-server:quarkus-code-server:999-SNAPSHOT
- Run in dev mode:
quarkus dev
- Will print in console the URL to access code-server Also available in dev-ui.
- Run code-server as a devservice
- Add url link in dev ui tile view
- Embed code-server URL in dev-ui
- Pre-install extensions
- Pre-install JDK within the container
- Custom build of the codeserver image with the above built?
- Use linuxserver/code-server image instead of codeserver/code-server? (config via env instead of file)
...with the above challenges should we consider to use a different approach? (e.g. install codium with the right extensions and just re-use users local environment?)