- qet_u.py: A python package for implementing quantum eigenvalue transformation of unitary matrices with real polynomials (QET-U).
- test_qet_u.py: Test code for the package.
- qsp_phase_matlab.py: A python interface for invoking the QSPPACK (a Matlab toolbox) for solving quantum signal processing (QSP) phase factors.
- su2_qsp_toolbox.py: A python toolbox for solving related problems of QSP in SU(2).
- circuit_to_matrix.py: A python toolbox for converting the quantum circuit (qiskit) to matrix or vector.
- python >= 3.8
- IBM Qiskit >= 0.18.3
- nptyping
Matlab >= R2020b The official instruction installation of "Matlab engine" can be found here https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/install-the-matlab-engine-for-python.html. Before installing, please check the compatibility between the matlab and python versions https://www.mathworks.com/content/dam/mathworks/mathworks-dot-com/support/sysreq/files/python-compatibility.pdf. For instance, python 3.8 is only supported with a Matlab version >= R2020b. The best platform independent way of installing the python interface is to use the Matlab command prompt.
cd (fullfile(matlabroot,'extern','engines','python')) system('python setup.py install')
The expected output is as follows.
running install
running build
running build_py
running install_lib
copying build/lib/matlab/engine/_arch.txt -> /Users/dongyl/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matlab/engine
running install_egg_info
Removing /Users/dongyl/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matlabengineforpython-R2021b-py3.9.egg-info
Writing /Users/dongyl/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matlabengineforpython-R2021b-py3.9.egg-info
At a macOS or Linux operating system prompt, you can also run the following command in the terminal (you might need administrator privileges to execute these commands. Here you need to replace the "matlabroot" by the proper matlabroot folder)
cd "matlabroot"/extern/engines/python
python setup.py install
When the requirements are installed, the package can be tested by running the code.
python test_qet_u.py
The expected output is as follows (with one figure).
===== test TFIM =====
n_qubits = 4, t_tot = 0.15453532924152408, n_segments = 3,
g_coupling = 1, pbc = False, dist = 0.1
deg = 40
second order Trotter error 1.09210e-03
controlled Trotter error 1.09210e-03
===== test ground state preparation =====
starting matlab engine..
norm error = 0.0285135
max of solution = 0.953868
L-BFGS solver started
iter obj stepsize des_ratio
1 +9.5874e-03 +1.00e+00 +4.85e-01
2 +5.0994e-03 +1.00e+00 +7.03e-01
3 +1.6589e-03 +1.00e+00 +6.68e-01
4 +4.4775e-04 +1.00e+00 +6.92e-01
5 +7.9723e-05 +1.00e+00 +6.70e-01
6 +8.6696e-06 +1.00e+00 +6.33e-01
7 +5.0660e-07 +1.00e+00 +5.82e-01
8 +2.7697e-08 +1.00e+00 +5.68e-01
9 +7.0012e-09 +1.00e+00 +6.70e-01
10 +2.9404e-10 +1.00e+00 +5.64e-01
iter obj stepsize des_ratio
11 +6.6742e-12 +1.00e+00 +5.57e-01
12 +3.7554e-14 +1.00e+00 +5.20e-01
Stop criteria satisfied.
succ prob = 0.171
||grd_state - state_circ|| = 0.08477
E_gs = -4.75877
E_recon (proj) = -4.73961
stopping matlab engine..