Code for APWE method, introduced in paper "Leveraging Pattern Associations for Word Embedding Models" (DASFAA'17).
Installation: type make
To run this code, type:
./word2vec -train corpus.txt -output result.txt -cbow 1 -size 300 -negative 25 -hs 1 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -binary 0 -pattern pattern_test1.txt -pro 20
-train is the training corpus
-output is the output word embedding file
-pattern is the file of patterns, example file is in code/pattern_test1.txt
-pro is parameter which controls the combination of contextual information and pattern information (defined as alpha/beta in the paper)
Usually, the other hyper-parameters such as the learning rate do not need to be tuned for different training sets.