Releases: qiangyt/jog
Releases · qiangyt/jog
Release v1.0.3
v1.0.2-alpha Release
- Fix issue #50
v1.0.1-alpha Release
- Fixes issue #48
v1.0.0-alpha Release
- New feature: initial support flat (non-JSON) log, using logstash GROK to parse
- New feature: new configuration parameter
, for ex., able to tabularize log output - by @frudolph77 - Fix: replace tab in log lines by four spaces - by @frudolph77
- Remove
configuration parameters. Usesprint-format
instead - A bit refactoring
v0.9.20 Release (2020-10-27)
- New feature: output the raw JSON but then able to apply filters (see example #9)
v0.9.19 Release (2020-10-24)
- New feature: specify the time range filter by natural date time, for ex.
1 day
,2 hour
v0.9.18 Release (2020-10-23)
- New feature: filtering by absolute time range (option
v0.9.17 Release (2020-10-22)
- New feature: filtering by logger level
The filtering feature initially works. So far it only supports filtering by logger level. Time range filtering should be ready soon (v0.9.18?). Then feature freezed before v1.0.0 ready.
v0.9.16 Release
- Enhancement: if a field doesnot explicitly appears in output print pattern, I name such field as
implicit field
and now implicit field will be printed in${others}
This is incompatible behavior - for old versions, implicit fields are hidden. Now begins from this version, to hide
the implicit field, must setprint
attribute asfalse
. There're examples in default configuration template. - Refine default template: some fields are printed with different color and style, some fields are hidden if be implicit.
- Fix: should not print a implicit field if its print attribute is false.
- Fix: for bunyan logger, it logger field takes 'id' as name, but then not printed.
- Enhancement: ${others} fields are sorted by alphabet order.
- Enhancement: detect logback error stacktrace.
v0.9.15.1 Release
- Fix: regression by cea3edb