Features πͺ
- #571 add discovery and recommendations api support for sparse vectors in local mode
- #594 restrict access to the methods on a closed instance in local mode
- #591 add a possibility to use auth token providers
- #608 introduce support for uint8 vectors
- #603 allow having nan values in payload in local mode
Fixes πͺ
- #559 - fix update_vectors in local mode with sparse vectors
- #562 - fix handling of wrong types in search in local mode
- #560 - check vectors for nan values
- #569 - fix grpc sparse vector conversion
- #575 #576 #580 - fix datetime and date comparison
- #581 #583 fix sparse vectors async api
- #584 fix data-parallelism with sparse models
- #587 fix read consistency with grpc in batch search
- #588 fix migrate vector count
- #605 fix grpc field schema type conversion for datetime index
Deprecations β³
Thanks everyone who contributed to the release @coszio @yasyf @Apmats @skvark @generall @joein @agourlay