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Skyrim Search SE

This is new version of Skyrim Search Plugin for Skyrim Special Edition.

This plugin adds some console commands that allows you to search for NPCs, cells, and quests by FormID/EditorID/Name. Moreover, you can find refIds of NPCs, codes for coc command, and quest stage number for completequest command. The most important point of using this plugin over other tools is that it works in game, and fully-synchronized with your environment. (it can search custom followers too!)


Skyrim console usage:


The command added by this plugin is ss (or skyrimsearch). You can view usage by typing ss --help in game. Also, You can view your inputs and outputs in log file in \My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\skyrim-search-se.log

  • help command: ss --help
ss --help
skyrim-search-se 0.7.0
Author: qbx2/lukasaldersley | GitHub:


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    cell           search cell (location)
    npc            search npc/reference
    quest          search quest
    quest_stage    search quest (prints additional stage information)
    raw            execute raw query. quote your query as in unix shell if needed.

Search NPCs

  • command: ss npc <query>
  • query: FormID/EditorId/Name/RefId of the npc which you want to search
  • Search by name
ss npc lydia
 form_id  | editor_id         | name  | ref_id
 000A2C8E | HousecarlWhiterun | Lydia | 000A2C94
  • Search by EditorId

(In my case, there were no reference to HousecarlMarkarth/HousecarlSolitude/HousecarlWindhelm)

ss npc housecarl
 form_id  | editor_id               | name                    | ref_id
 000A2C8C | HousecarlMarkarth       | Argis the Bulwark       | <null>
 000A2C8E | HousecarlWhiterun       | Lydia                   | 000A2C94
 000A2C8F | HousecarlSolitude       | Jordis the Sword-Maiden | <null>
 000A2C90 | HousecarlWindhelm       | Calder                  | <null>
 000A2C91 | HousecarlRiften         | Iona                    | 000A2C93
 03005215 | BYOHHousecarlFalkreath  | Rayya                   | 03005216
 0300521B | BYOHHousecarlHjaalmarch | Valdimar                | 0300521D
 0300521E | BYOHHousecarlPale       | Gregor                  | 0300521F
  • Search by FormId/RefId
ss npc a2c8e
 form_id  | editor_id         | name  | ref_id
 000A2C8E | HousecarlWhiterun | Lydia | 000A2C94

ss npc a2c94
 form_id  | editor_id         | name  | ref_id
 000A2C8E | HousecarlWhiterun | Lydia | 000A2C94

Search Cells

  • command: ss cell <query>
  • query: FormID/EditorId/Name of the cell which you want to search
ss cell breezehome
 form_id  | editor_id          | name
 000165A8 | WhiterunBreezehome | Breezehome

Search Quests

  • command: ss quest <query>
  • query: FormID/EditorId/Name of the quest which you want to search
ss quest forbidden legend
 form_id  | editor_id        | name
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend

Search Quest Stages

  • command: ss quest_stage <query> / ss qs <query>
  • query: FormID/EditorId/Name of the quest which you want to search
ss qs forbidden
 form_id  | editor_id        | name             | stage | log
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 6     | In Reachwater Rock, I found a cryptic message that said the tomb here had been sealed, and should be forgotten forever. What is the story of this place?
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 7     | In Folgunthur, I found a cryptic message on the body of a powerful Draugr, condemning him for his ancient crimes. What was his story? Why was he entombed with a broken amulet?
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 8     | In Geirmund's Hall, I found a cryptic message on the body of a powerful Draugr, condemning him for his ancient crimes. What was his story? Why was he entombed with a broken amulet?
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 9     | In Saarthal, I found a cryptic message on the body of a powerful Draugr, condemning him for his ancient crimes. What was his story? Why was he entombed with a broken amulet?
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 10    | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered, and his three sons were hunted down by King Harald's personal battlemage. The entire incident was covered up, their names struck from every record. But the legend survived. Perhaps someone still knows the truth of this ancient tale.
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 20    | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered, and his three sons were hunted down by King Harald's personal battlemage. The mage Daynas Valen spent his life searching for the truth of this tale, and came to Folgunthur with the key needed to unlock its secret.
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 30    | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. The brothers were hunted down in secret and sealed in tombs across Skyrim. To reclaim the amulet, I will need to seek out their final resting places.
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 100   | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. I defeated the brothers and reclaimed the fragments of the amulet. Perhaps Gauldur's tomb holds the secret to restoring it to its original form.
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 105   | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. I collected the fragments of the shattered amulet and brought them to Gauldur's tomb, where the ghosts of the three brothers ambushed me.
 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST | Forbidden Legend | 150   | Long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered by his three sons, who stole his amulet of power and divided it among themselves. I defeated the undead brothers, located the fragments of the shattered amulet, and forged it anew in Gauldur's tomb.

Raw Query (Advanced)

  • Query example

(Note that you may quote your sql because the input is parsed by shlex)

ss raw SELECT * FROM npc WHERE form_id > 0xa2c00 AND form_id < 0xa2d00;
 form_id  | editor_id             | name
 000A2C8C | HousecarlMarkarth     | Argis the Bulwark
 000A2C8E | HousecarlWhiterun     | Lydia
 000A2C8F | HousecarlSolitude     | Jordis the Sword-Maiden
 000A2C90 | HousecarlWindhelm     | Calder
 000A2C91 | HousecarlRiften       | Iona
 000A2CAF | DA01LvlDremoraWarlock |
 000A2CEB | ArgonianMalePreset03  |
 000A2CEF | ArgonianMalePreset04  |
 000A2CF0 | ArgonianMalePreset05  |


Build Requirements


cargo build


  • kmdreko on Stack Overflow for helping with some Rust problems
  • meh321 for distributing versionlib for easy update


This plugin was not created by, and is not affiliated with, the website