Diogenes by Jean-Léon Gérôme - Walters Art Museum: Home page Info about artwork, Public Domain, Link
He owned a cup which served also as a bowl for food but threw it away when he saw a boy drinking water from his hands and realized one did not even need a cup to sustain oneself.
--Mark, J. J. (2014, August 02). Diogenes of Sinope. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/Diogenes_of_Sinope/
Pyrustic is a collection of lightweight Python projects that share the same policy.
The goal is to build and maintain a reliable, consistent, easy-to-use and relevant Python codebase for tech enthusiasts.
These projects cover various topics: automation, data persistence and exchange, GUI, themes, widgets, multithreading, markup, utilities, project management, et cetera.
Name | Description |
Exonote | Write and render rich, scriptable, and interactive notes |
Backstage | Three-speed scripting language and automation tool |
Shared | Triptych for data exchange and persistence |
Hooking | Generic Hooking Mechanism for Python |
Gaspium | Reference framework to build GASP apps |
TkStyle | Library to create styles and themes for Python apps |
Subrun | Processes spawning in Python |
Jesth | Just Extract Sections Then Hack ! |
Setupinit | Initialize Python projects |
Buildver | Tool to build Python packages with built-in intuitive versioning mechanism |
Litemark | Lightweight Markdown dialect for Python apps |
Megawidget | Collection of megawidgets to build graphical user interfaces for Python apps |
Viewable | Python library to implement a GUI view with lifecycle |
Threadom | Tkinter-compatible multithreading |
Oscan | Scanner for hacking computer languages |
Suggestion | Democratizing auto-complete(suggest) for Python desktop applications |
Cyberpunk-Theme | A modern dark theme for Python apps |
Winter-Theme | A modern light theme for Python apps |
Kurl | Konnection URL: HTTP requests in Python with an implementation of conditional request and a responses caching system |
Probed | Probed collections for Python |
Codegame | Python app to create, distribute, discover, and run codegames |
Hubstore | Distribute, promote, discover, install, and run Python desktop applications |
Jupitest | Graphical test runner |
Rustiql | Graphical SQL editor |
Each package listed above can be installed individually from PyPI.