Vendoring bumps for 25.0 #13074
Vendoring bumps for 25.0 #13074
Chronographer: Good to go
Great! This change has been recorded to the chronicles
See for details.
Please, refer to the following document for more details on how to
craft a great change note for inclusion with your pull request:
The following news fragments found: [<PatchedFile: news/CacheControl.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/idna.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/msgpack.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/packaging.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/platformdirs.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/rich.vendor.rst>, <PatchedFile: news/tomli.vendor.rst>]
Pattern: re.compile('news/(?P<issue_number>[^\\./]+)\.(?P<fragment_type>removal|feature|bugfix|vendor|doc|process|trivial)(\.\d+)?(\.[^\\./]+)*\.rst$')