Restrict fastpath isel indexes to the case of all PandasIndex (#10066) #16407
13 warnings
Restore cached hypothesis directory
Input 'save-always' has been deprecated with message: save-always does not work as intended and will be removed in a future release.
A separate `actions/cache/restore` step should be used instead.
See for more details.
Upload code coverage to Codecov
Unexpected input(s) 'file', valid inputs are ['base_sha', 'binary', 'codecov_yml_path', 'commit_parent', 'directory', 'disable_file_fixes', 'disable_search', 'disable_safe_directory', 'disable_telem', 'dry_run', 'env_vars', 'exclude', 'fail_ci_if_error', 'files', 'flags', 'force', 'git_service', 'gcov_args', 'gcov_executable', 'gcov_ignore', 'gcov_include', 'handle_no_reports_found', 'job_code', 'name', 'network_filter', 'network_prefix', 'os', 'override_branch', 'override_build', 'override_build_url', 'override_commit', 'override_pr', 'plugins', 'report_code', 'report_type', 'root_dir', 'run_command', 'skip_validation', 'slug', 'swift_project', 'token', 'url', 'use_legacy_upload_endpoint', 'use_oidc', 'use_pypi', 'verbose', 'version', 'working-directory']
Run tests:
invalid value encountered in cast
Run tests:
invalid value encountered in cast
Run tests:
invalid value encountered in cast
Run tests:
invalid value encountered in cast
Run tests:
The experimental Zarr V3 implementation in this version of Zarr-Python is not in alignment with the final V3 specification. This version will be removed in Zarr-Python 3 in favor of a spec compliant version.
Run tests:
The experimental Zarr V3 implementation in this version of Zarr-Python is not in alignment with the final V3 specification. This version will be removed in Zarr-Python 3 in favor of a spec compliant version.
Run tests:
Duplicate dimension names present: dimensions {'x'} appear more than once in dims=('x', 'x'). We do not yet support duplicate dimension names, but we do allow initial construction of the object. We recommend you rename the dims immediately to become distinct, as most xarray functionality is likely to fail silently if you do not. To rename the dimensions you will need to set the ``.dims`` attribute of each variable, ``e.g. var.dims=('x0', 'x1')``.
Run tests:
Duplicate dimension names present: dimensions {'x'} appear more than once in dims=('x', 'x'). We do not yet support duplicate dimension names, but we do allow initial construction of the object. We recommend you rename the dims immediately to become distinct, as most xarray functionality is likely to fail silently if you do not. To rename the dimensions you will need to set the ``.dims`` attribute of each variable, ``e.g. var.dims=('x0', 'x1')``.
Run tests:
The return type of `Dataset.dims` will be changed to return a set of dimension names in future, in order to be more consistent with `DataArray.dims`. To access a mapping from dimension names to lengths, please use `Dataset.sizes`.
Run tests:
The return type of `Dataset.dims` will be changed to return a set of dimension names in future, in order to be more consistent with `DataArray.dims`. To access a mapping from dimension names to lengths, please use `Dataset.sizes`.
Post Restore cached hypothesis directory
Input 'save-always' has been deprecated with message: save-always does not work as intended and will be removed in a future release.
A separate `actions/cache/restore` step should be used instead.
See for more details.