This repository contains my custom i3 window manager configuration, which is based on the repository. These
are tailored for my workflow, including custom themes, keybindings, and useful scripts.
To use this configuration, you will need to install the following libraries and tools:
- mpv: media player for multimedia handling
- i3-blocks: for status bar customization
- feh: lightweight image viewer for setting wallpapers
- flameshot: screenshot utility for taking and editing screenshots
- rofi: application launcher
- power-profiles-daemon: power management tool
- networkmanager: for managing network connections
- polkit-kde-agent: PolicyKit authentication agent for KDE
- blueman: bluetooth manager
- kitty: GPU-based terminal emulator
- picom: compositor for transparency and shadows
- dunst: lightweight notification daemon
- ttf-firacode-nerd: FiraCode font with extra icons (Nerd Fonts)
Install these using your package manager. For example, on Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S redshift mpv i3blocks feh flameshot rofi power-profiles-daemon networkmanager polkit-kde-agent blueman kitty picom dunst ttf-firacode-nerd
sudo pacman -S bash-completion gvfs gvfs-mtp gnome-calculator ttf-font-awesome ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra android-tools
yay -S ttf-ms-win10-auto
The configuration also uses the following themes:
- Thunar: used as the file manager
- Brave Browser: used as the web browser
- Make all scripts executable:
chmod +x /path/to/scripts/*
- Move configuration folders to the
mv dunst i3 kitty picom rofi ~/.config/
- Move wallpapers to the
mv wallpapers/* ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/