KJ ("Kasper Julia") is still in development and has not yet been added to the Julia package repository. However, if you want to play around with the current functionality, then you can install the package from GitHub. First, make sure that you have Julia installed on your system by downloading it from here. Then, at the Julia REPL:
import Pkg; Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/pvermees/KJ.jl.git")
There are four ways to interact with KJ:
- TUI: an interactive text-based user interface
- TUI + GUI: a TUI augmented with graphical user interface elements
- REPL: the command-line interface
- Hybrid: combining the TUI, GUI and REPL
Here is a short example of a menu-driven KJ session:
julia> using KJ
julia> TUI()
KJ 0.3.0
r: Read data files[*]
m: Specify the method[*]
t: Tabulate the samples
s: Mark mineral standards[*]
g: Mark reference glasses[*]
v: View and adjust each sample
p: Process the data[*]
e: Export the results
l: Logs and templates
o: Options
u: Update
c: Clear
x: Exit
?: Help
a: Agilent
t: ThermoFisher
x: Exit
?: Help
d: Read a directory of individual data files
p: Parse the data from a single file using a laser log
(? for help, x to exit):
Enter the full path of the data directory (? for help, x to exit):
r: Read data files
m: Specify the method[*]
t: Tabulate the samples
s: Mark mineral standards[*]
g: Mark reference glasses[*]
v: View and adjust each sample
p: Process the data[*]
e: Export the results
l: Logs and templates
o: Options
u: Update
c: Clear
x: Exit
?: Help
You can augment the TUI with GUI elements (currently just file choosers) by installing the
extension (installable from here):
julia> using KJ, KJgui
julia> TUI(KJgui)
KJ 0.3.0
r: Read data files[*]
m: Specify the method[*]
t: Tabulate the samples
s: Mark mineral standards[*]
g: Mark reference glasses[*]
v: View and adjust each sample
p: Process the data[*]
e: Export the results
l: Logs and templates
o: Options
u: Update
c: Clear
x: Exit
?: Help
a: Agilent
t: ThermoFisher
x: Exit
?: Help
d: Read a directory of individual data files
p: Parse the data from a single file using a laser log
(? for help, x to exit):
Advanced users can interact with KJ via Julia's command line interface or REPL ("read-eval-print loop"). Here is an example of a carbonate U-Pb data reduction using WC-1 for time-dependent elemental fractionation correction between U and Pb and NIST-612 for mass-dependent fractionation correction of the Pb-isotopes. The script exports all the aliquots of the "Duff" sample to a JSON file that can be opened in IsoplotR:
method = "U-Pb"
run = load("data/carbonate",instrument="Agilent")
standards = Dict("WC1"=>"WC1")
glass = Dict("NIST612"=>"NIST612")
channels = Dict("d"=>"Pb207","D"=>"Pb206","P"=>"U238")
blk, fit = process!(run,method,channels,standards,glass)
Type ?load
, ?process!
, ?export2IsoplotR
or ?KJ
at the REPL to
view the documentation.
You can seamlessly switch from the TUI to the REPL and back. The
following example stores the TUI settings into a variable called
(type ctrl
at the REPL to view its contents). You can
manipulate the contents of ctrl
and sync it with the TUI using the
julia> using KJ
julia> TUI()
KJ 0.3.0
r: Read data files[*]
m: Specify the method[*]
t: Tabulate the samples
s: Mark mineral standards[*]
g: Mark reference glasses[*]
v: View and adjust each sample
p: Process the data[*]
e: Export the results
l: Logs and templates
o: Options
u: Update
c: Clear
x: Exit
?: Help
a: Agilent
t: ThermoFisher
x: Exit
?: Help
d: Read a directory of individual data files
p: Parse the data from a single file using a laser log
(? for help, x to exit):
Enter the full path of the data directory (? for help, x to exit):
r: Read data files
m: Specify the method[*]
t: Tabulate the samples
s: Mark mineral standards[*]
g: Mark reference glasses[*]
v: View and adjust each sample
p: Process the data[*]
e: Export the results
l: Logs and templates
o: Options
u: Update
c: Clear
x: Exit
?: Help
julia> ctrl = getKJctrl();
julia> plot(ctrl["run"][1])