A variation of the Augustus Cipher that offsets space-separated words based on the position of each character; contrary to what Augustus had originally practiced, letters wrap around instead of presenting a special case.
"Whenever he wrote in cipher, he wrote B for A, C for B, and the rest of the letters on the same principle, using AA for X."
Suetonius, Life of Augustus 88
Through pip
λ> python -m pip install stepped-augustus
As a CLI application:
λ> augustus -h
usage: augustus [-h] [--direction {left,right}] [--multiplier MULTIPLIER] message
Ciphers a given message.
positional arguments:
message The message to be ciphered
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--direction {left,right}
The direction to cipher the message to
--multiplier MULTIPLIER
The multiplier to be applied when ciphering a message
λ> augustus "Hello, World" --direction right --multiplier 1
Igopt, Xqupi
λ> augustus "Igopt, Xqupi" --direction left --multiplier 1
Hello, World
As a package:
>>> from augustus import SteppedAugustus as SA
>>> SA("Hello, World", 1).right_cipher
'Igopt, Xqupi'
>>> SA("Igopt, Xqupi", 1).left_cipher
'Hello, World'
>>> # Alternatively the _cipher method can be used for lazy
>>> # evaluation and customizing the direction.
>>> for char in SA("Hello", 1)._cipher(1):
... print(char)
>>> # Additionally, skip_chars and stop_chars can specified
>>> # to semantically modify the behaviour of the algorithm.
>>> # Shifts with 10234
>>> SA("Hello", skip_chars="H").right_cipher
>>> # Shifts with 11234
>>> SA("Hello", stop_chars="e").right_cipher
>>> # Shifts with 10123
>>> SA("Hello", skip_chars="e", stop_chars="e").right_cipher