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(BKR-1058) Implement a simpler monolithic install method
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Currently, the `do_install` method is a mega-method responsible for
installing and upgrading every version, layout, and platform of PE. It
knows how to handle masterless installs, legacy agent installs, and
extremely old versions of PE. Because of that legacy, it has some
inefficiencies and is inflexible.

Since the most common case by far is a simple monolithic or split PE
install with a set of frictionless agents, we can dramatically simplify
and therefore speed up the basic case. This commit implements a
determine_install_type method that will detect whether the task being
asked of it is one of those simple cases. The `do_install` method now
branches based on the type of install, calling
`simple_monolithic_install` for a basic monolithic + agents install, or
`generic_install` for everything else. Simple split installs are
currently detected, but not handled specially (they still fall back to
the generic install).

Doing away with some of the legacy concerns allows this method to be
much simpler and more efficient. In particular, because the method has a
defined task (mono master + agents, rather than a generic list of
hosts), it can be optimized around that task. This is accomplished now
by first installing the master, and then installing all the agents in
parallel. This method also removes an extra agent run that hasn't been
necessary since PE 3.3.

For a monolithic master with four frictionless agents, this new method
takes ~6 min 30 sec, compared to ~11 minutes before.
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nicklewis committed Mar 14, 2017
1 parent f22ac7f commit 691a101
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Showing 2 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions.
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions lib/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils.rb
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Expand Up @@ -369,6 +369,122 @@ def deploy_frictionless_to_master(host)
# @api private
def do_install hosts, opts = {}
# detect the kind of install we're doing
install_type = determine_install_type(hosts, opts)
case install_type
when :simple_monolithic
simple_monolithic_install(hosts.first, hosts.drop(1), opts)
when :simple_split
# This isn't implemented yet, so just do a generic install instead
#simple_split_install(hosts, opts)
generic_install(hosts, opts)
generic_install(hosts, opts)

def has_all_roles?(host, roles)
roles.all? {|role| host['roles'].include?(role)}

# Determine what kind of install is being performed
# @param [Array<Host>] hosts The sorted hosts to install or upgrade PE on
# @param [Hash{Symbol=>Symbol, String}] opts The options for how to install or upgrade PE
# @example
# determine_install_type(hosts, {:type => :install, :pe_ver => '2017.2.0'})
# @return [Symbol]
# One of :generic, :simple_monolithic, :simple_split
# :simple_monolithic
# returned when installing >=2016.4 with a monolithic master and
# any number of frictionless agents
# :simple_split
# returned when installing >=2016.4 with a split install and any
# number of frictionless agents
# :generic
# returned for any other install or upgrade
# @api private
def determine_install_type(hosts, opts)
# Do a generic install if this is masterless, not all the same PE version, an upgrade, or earlier than 2016.4
return :generic if opts[:masterless]
return :generic if {|host| host['pe_ver']}.uniq.length > 1
return :generic if opts[:type] == :upgrade
return :generic if version_is_less(opts[:pe_ver] || hosts.first['pe_ver'], '2016.4')

mono_roles = ['master', 'database', 'dashboard']
if has_all_roles?(hosts.first, mono_roles) && hosts.drop(1).all? {|host| host['roles'].include?('frictionless')}
elsif hosts[0]['roles'].include?('master') && hosts[1]['roles'].include?('database') && hosts[2]['roles'].include?('dashboard') && hosts.drop(3).all? {|host| host['roles'].include?('frictionless')}

# Install PE on a monolithic master and some number of frictionless agents.
# @param [Host] master The node to install the master on
# @param [Array<Host>] agents The nodes to install agents on
# @param [Hash{Symbol=>Symbol, String}] opts The options for how to install or upgrade PE
# @example
# simple_monolithic_install(master, agents, {:type => :install, :pe_ver => '2017.2.0'})
# @return nil
# @api private
def simple_monolithic_install(master, agents, opts={})
step "Performing a standard monolithic install with frictionless agents"
all_hosts = [master, *agents]

# Set PE distribution on the master, create working dir
prepare_hosts([master], opts)
fetch_pe([master], opts)
generate_installer_conf_file_for(master, [master], opts)
on master, installer_cmd(master, opts)

step "Setup frictionless installer on the master" do
agents.each do |agent|
# If We're *not* running the classic installer, we want
# to make sure the master has packages for us.
if agent['platform'] != master['platform'] # only need to do this if platform differs

step "Install agents" do
agents.group_by {|agent| installer_cmd(agent, opts)}.each do |cmd, agents|
on agents, cmd, :run_in_parallel => true

step "Stop puppet agents to avoid interfering with tests" do
stop_agent_on(all_hosts, :run_in_parallel => true)

step "Sign agent certificates" do
# This will sign all cert requests

step "Run puppet to setup mcollective and pxp-agent" do
on all_hosts, puppet_agent('-t'), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2], :run_in_parallel => true

#Workaround for windows frictionless install, see BKR-943 for the reason {|agent| agent['platform'] =~ /windows/}.each do |agent|
client_datadir = agent.puppet['client_datadir']
on(agent, puppet("resource file \"#{client_datadir}\" ensure=absent force=true"))

def generic_install hosts, opts = {}
step "Installing PE on a generic set of hosts"

masterless = opts[:masterless]
opts[:type] = opts[:type] || :install
unless masterless
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129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions spec/beaker-pe/install/pe_utils_spec.rb
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Expand Up @@ -802,7 +802,64 @@ def slice_installer_options(host)

describe "#determine_install_type" do
let(:monolithic) { make_host('monolithic', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :roles => [ 'master', 'database', 'dashboard' ]) }
let(:master) { make_host('master', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :roles => [ 'master' ]) }
let(:puppetdb) { make_host('puppetdb', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :roles => [ 'database' ]) }
let(:console) { make_host('console', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :roles => [ 'dashboard' ]) }
let(:agent) { make_host('agent', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :roles => ['frictionless']) }

it 'identifies a monolithic install with frictionless agents' do
hosts = [monolithic, agent, agent, agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:simple_monolithic)

it 'identifies a monolithic install without frictionless agents' do
expect(subject.determine_install_type([monolithic], {})).to eq(:simple_monolithic)

it 'identifies a split install with frictionless agents' do
hosts = [master, puppetdb, console, agent, agent, agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:simple_split)

it 'identifies a split install without frictionless agents' do
hosts = [master, puppetdb, console]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:simple_split)

it 'identifies an install with multiple agent versions as generic' do
new_agent = make_host('agent', :pe_ver => '2017.2', :roles => ['frictionless'])
hosts = [monolithic, agent, new_agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:generic)

it 'identifies an upgrade as generic' do
hosts = [monolithic, agent, agent, agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {:type => :upgrade})).to eq(:generic)

it 'identifies a legacy PE version as generic' do
old_monolithic = make_host('monolithic', :pe_ver => '3.8', :roles => [ 'master', 'database', 'dashboard' ])
old_agent = make_host('agent', :pe_ver => '3.8', :roles => ['frictionless'])
hosts = [old_monolithic, old_agent, old_agent, old_agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:generic)

it 'identifies a non-standard install as generic' do
hosts = [monolithic, master, agent, agent, agent]
expect(subject.determine_install_type(hosts, {})).to eq(:generic)

describe 'do_install' do
it 'chooses to do a simple monolithic install when appropriate' do
expect(subject).to receive(:simple_monolithic_install)
allow(subject).to receive(:determine_install_type).and_return(:simple_monolithic)


it 'can perform a simple installation' do
allow( subject ).to receive( :on ).and_return( {}, '' ) )
allow( subject ).to receive( :fetch_pe ).and_return( true )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,6 +1162,78 @@ def slice_installer_options(host)


describe 'simple_monolithic_install' do
let(:monolithic) { make_host('monolithic', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :platform => 'el-7-x86_64', :roles => [ 'master', 'database', 'dashboard' ]) }
let(:el_agent) { make_host('agent', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :platform => 'el-7-x86_64', :roles => ['frictionless']) }
let(:deb_agent) { make_host('agent', :pe_ver => '2016.4', :platform => 'debian-7-x86_64', :roles => ['frictionless']) }

before :each do
allow(subject).to receive(:on)
allow(subject).to receive(:configure_type_defaults_on)
allow(subject).to receive(:prepare_hosts)
allow(subject).to receive(:fetch_pe)
allow(subject).to receive(:prepare_host_installer_options)
allow(subject).to receive(:generate_installer_conf_file_for)
allow(subject).to receive(:deploy_frictionless_to_master)

allow(subject).to receive(:installer_cmd).with(monolithic, anything()).and_return("install master")
allow(subject).to receive(:installer_cmd).with(el_agent, anything()).and_return("install el agent")
allow(subject).to receive(:installer_cmd).with(deb_agent, anything()).and_return("install deb agent")

allow(subject).to receive(:stop_agent_on)
allow(subject).to receive(:sign_certificate_for)

describe 'configuring frictionless installer' do
it "skips the master's platform" do
expect(subject).not_to receive(:deploy_frictionless_to_master)

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, [el_agent, el_agent, el_agent])

it "adds frictionless install classes for other platforms" do
expect(subject).to receive(:deploy_frictionless_to_master).with(deb_agent)

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, [el_agent, deb_agent])

it 'installs on the master then on the agents' do
expect(subject).to receive(:on).with(monolithic, "install master").ordered
expect(subject).to receive(:on).with([el_agent, el_agent], "install el agent", anything()).ordered

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, [el_agent, el_agent])

it 'installs agents in parallel if their install command is the same' do
expect(subject).to receive(:on).with([el_agent, el_agent], "install el agent", :run_in_parallel => true)
expect(subject).to receive(:on).with([deb_agent, deb_agent], "install deb agent", :run_in_parallel => true)

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, [el_agent, el_agent, deb_agent, deb_agent])

it 'signs all certificates at once' do
agents = [el_agent, el_agent, deb_agent, deb_agent]
expect(subject).to receive(:sign_certificate_for).with(agents)

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, agents)

it 'stops the agents in parallel to avoid interference with tests' do
agents = [el_agent, el_agent, deb_agent, deb_agent]
expect(subject).to receive(:stop_agent_on).with([monolithic, *agents], :run_in_parallel => true)

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, agents)

it 'runs agents in parallel, only one time' do
agents = [el_agent, el_agent, deb_agent, deb_agent]
expect(subject).to receive(:on).with([monolithic, *agents], proc {|cmd| cmd.command == "puppet agent"}, hash_including(:run_in_parallel => true)).once

subject.simple_monolithic_install(monolithic, agents)

describe 'do_higgs_install' do

before :each do
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