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The Infragram project brings together a range of different efforts to make Do-It-Yourself plant health comparisons possible with infrared photography.

This project is a minimal core of the Infragram project in JavaScript and was made possible with support from Google and the AREN Project at NASA.

Check it here:

Open in Gitpod

This is ported out of the Node server application at


split image showing a pre-converted blueish image on the left and rainbow-colored image on right

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Installation
  2. Purpose
  3. Usage
  4. Architecture
  5. Inputs
  6. Converting
  7. Processors
  8. Presets
  9. Colorizing
  10. Outputs
  11. Interface
  12. Legacy Code
  13. Pi and VR versions
  14. Contributing
  15. Developers
  16. First Time?

Quick Installation

  1. Fork our repo.
  2. In the console, download a copy of your forked repo with git clone where your_username is your GitHub username.
  3. Enter the new infagram directory with cd infragram.
  4. npm install - this will install all the node packages into your local machine.
  5. npm install http-server -g && http-server (this installs http-server globally and then runs it, next time you just need to do http-server to run it locally)


The purpose of this software is to convert a photo taken from an "Infragram" multispectral camera using NDVI or another technique, then colorize that image. It can then be downloaded or forwarded to another web app.

screenshot of tutorial


See this tutorial for how to use, step by step:


This edition of Infragram is slimmed down and simplified vs. previous versions. The whole project runs using just JavaScript (and WebGL) from a single index.html file, in the browser.

The basic flow is as shown here:

Input => Convert => Colorize => Output

  1. Input: an image or video stream is chosen.
  2. Convert: The image gets modified/transformed using a given algorithm, like NDVI or another simple mathematic expression. This is handled by the processor (see below)
  3. Colorize: It gets colorized (optionally), which is also handled by the processor (see below).
  4. Output: the image can be downloaded or sent to another website.


Images can come from two sources: files or webcam video.

File upload

Handling for "uploaded" files (note that we don't send files anywhere, they're just used in the browser) is handled in /src/ui/interface.js.

Depending on which processor is selected (see below), the image is read, then sent to the updateImage() function of either the webgl (default) or javascript processor for conversion.


If the user presses the Webcam button, we use the WebRTC webcam API to stream video from the selected webcam, and we perform conversion and colorizing on each frame in real-time. This works faster with webgl mode. In upcoming versions we would like to try accepting uploaded videos, which would be dragged in just like images, but would play on loop just like webcam video streams.

diagram illustrating color channel mixing and 2-image combining


Conversion is the step of changing the value of each pixel of the input image using a given mathematical expression. The default is NDVI or Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. The above diagram shows how one channel of the input image is used for infrared light, instead of its original color. NDVI represents the (normalized) difference between infrared and visible (red, green, or blue) light.

Learn more about NDVI and the broader project and techniques at:

This step is labeled "2. Analysis" in the UI (although we could change that to Convert).

step 2 controls screenshot


The mathematical expression which is run on each pixel follows a syntax we've called "infragrammar" (corny pun, sorry!). Basically, for each pixel of the input image, you get values of R, G, and B for the three color channels red, green, and blue. The expression (using any basic JavaScript math operations) uses these to calculate an "output" value for the pixel. The output in "Grey" or monochrome mode is just one value. That means the output of this step would be a monochrome image:

monochrome output image

If you change to HSV mode, you can set a different expression for Hue, Saturation, and Value of the resulting pixel, and get a color image, but it's usually easier to just do that in the Colorize step (see below). Finally, in RGB mode, you can set a different expression for each channel of the resulting pixel, R, G, or B. This is useful for swapping channels, like displaying R as B.

Read more about Infragrammar and modes here:

Conversion with Infragrammar is handled by the Processor, described below.


Two separate systems are available for converting and colorizing: javascript and webgl, both using the HTML Canvas API. The javascript processor is simpler to read, write, and debug but is slower. The webgl processor is MUCH faster but very hard to code/modify/change.

The selected processor handles the Conversion and Colorizing steps.


There are two types of input images, because there are two types of multispectral cameras people are making: red filtered (more common now) and blue filtered (older) cameras. You can read about the difference here:

As a result, we have a pop-up modal that guides users through the 2 most common workflows:

  1. NDVI conversion for red filters + colorizing
  2. NDVI conversion for blue filters + colorizing

Once these are selected, the pop-up disappears and the image is shown with these settings. The presets will change step 2 (Conversion/Analysis) and step 3 (Colorize) accordingly, although this might not be very obvious to new users.


The processors also handle colorizing, which is also confusing because the webgl colorizer has to work very differently than the javascript version.

Colorizing is just converting a black and white (monochrome) image to a color one, where a given spectrum or "color map" is used to convert each pixel's brightness value to a color. The most familiar would be where "hot" colors like red represent higher values, and "cold" colors like blue represent lower values. The range of colors is shown in a key at the bottom of the image.

screenshot of the color bar
This gets a little more complex because the most common conversion, NDVI, outputs a value from -1 to 1, rather than 0 to 1. So the color mapping may represent values in that range.

The way NDVI works also means that it's useful to visually see what pixels are greater or less than 0, so some color maps are not smooth - they have a sharp color transition at 0, so you can visually see parts of the photo that are >0.

Colorizing code for both processors can be found at While javascript code for colormaps has been cleaned and consolidated there, webgl code is contained in the fragment shader file at and has not been reconciled with the long list of colormaps available in JavaScript.


The output of the above is dependent on the quality of the input. When using an "Infragram" multispectral camera, careful white balancing is essential for good NDVI images. The following are two examples of well-white-balanced images.

A red-filtered image by @mathew - try processing this image on Infragram. A blue-filtered image by @warren - try processing this image on Infragram.

Read more about white-balancing at

Final Results

Once the image is converted and (optionally) colorized, it can be downloaded. But there are two other options:

Export to

The image is encoded as a data-url and a new tab is opened with the Public Lab Editor at, with the image "sent" to become the main image. This is convoluted but easier than sending the image separately; see the code for this here. Images then appear with the tag infragram-upload on this page:

Export to Image Sequencer

Similarly, we can "send" the image to, as a data-url although it may fail for very large images since we must send it in a GET request. It is then run through a similar (but not identical, unfortunately) set of steps of conversion and colorizing, in the step-by-step interface of Image Sequencer, for fine-tuning. Learn more about this technique here:


The interface (UI design) for Infragram is built using Bootstrap 3 and makes use of jQuery event handling. Most of the code can be found in although some listeners are still mixed into the rest of the code (we hope to improve this)

Legacy code

Previous versions of Infragram had different workflows, technologies, and architectures. Some code remains which is no longer used.

See the deprecation label for more on this code: deprecation code to remove as it's out of date or no longer used

Pi and VR versions

Two extra folders /pi/ and /vr/ are for different variants of the project, designed to be run on a Raspberry Pi-based camera (live-streaming video through the converter from the Pi camera) and for use with a VR headset with a Pi camera attached to the front. These are experimental but if major breaking changes are implemented in the main index.html file, we would like them to be ported over to these files as well, especially the /pi/ version, so the interfaces look and work the same.


We welcome contributions and are especially interested in welcoming first-time contributors. Read more about how to contribute below! We especially welcome contributions from people belonging to groups under-represented in free and open-source software!

Code of Conduct

Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct; our community aspires to be a respectful place both during online and in-­personinteractions.


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First Time?

New to open source/free software? Here is a selection of issues we've made especially for first-timers. We're here to help, so just ask if one looks interesting :

Here is a link to our Git workflow.

Let the code be with you, happy open-sourcing 😄


A minimal core of the project in JavaScript



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