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Phillip Tran edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

Important Introduction

Marine Databaser DOES NOT store a copy of the files that it tracks. Instead, it acts like a library database. It will tell you where files live on your computer and you can add important metadata to each file to better identify them. This is similar to how a library database tells you important information about a book including its author, title, genre, and where it is in the library BUT NOT the actual contents of the book.

By decoupling the metadata from the data, Marine Databaser ensures that metadata remains highly portable and gives researchers peace of mind since their research files are never modified by the program in any way.

When referring to "data," the documentation is talking about the metadata stored in the database. When referring to the actual files themselves, they will be referred to as "files."


Each of the documents in the wiki discusses a different page in the program and its functionality.

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