Configure network interfaces on a GNU/Linux system.
Display or set network informations
usage: netconfig [options] [interface]
--help |-h : display this and exit
--dhcp |-d : dhcp mode
--eth |-e <ethaddr> : set MAC address
--ip |-i <ip> : set ip address
--mask |-m <mask> : set ip mask address
--bcast |-b <addr> : set broadcast address
--gw |-g <gw> : set the default gateway
--ns |-n <server> : set the name server
--save |-s : save the configuration
--csv |-c : output display as a CSV
--all |-a : consider all of the interfaces
./netconfig -ac
netconfig will display in a CSV format about if (interface), plug (state), dyn (dynamic), mac (mac address), ip (IP address), mask (network mask), bcast (broadcast address), gw (gateway) and ns (Name server).
netconfig is licensed uder the MIT license.