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[MAINTENANCE] Adding terraform documentation (#102)
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* Adding documentation for modules
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egorodov authored Jul 4, 2023
1 parent ac6b4b4 commit a453b8b
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Data Quality Gate

## Description
Terrafrom module which setup Data-QA solution(bucket,Stepfunctions Pipeline with AWS Lambda, Metadata Storage. Data-QA Reports) in your infrastructure in 'one-click'. AWS Based. Built on top of Great_expectations, Pandas_profiling, Allure
Terraform module which setups DataQA solution in your infrastructure in 'one-click'. AWS Based. Built on top of Great_expectations, Pandas_profiling, Allure

### Data Test
Main engine based on GX to profile, generate suites and run tests
Expand All @@ -15,64 +15,55 @@ Metadata and metrics aggregation
## Solution Architecture
![Preview Image](

## Supported Features

- AWS Lambda runtime Python 3.9
- AWS StepFunction pipeline, combining whole DataQA cycle(profiling, test generation, reporting)
- Supports Slack and Jira notifications and reporting
- AWS SNS output message bus, allowing to embed to existing data pipelines
- Web reports delivery through Nginx for companies VPN/IP set
- AWS DynamoDB and Athena integration, allowing to build AWS QuickSight or Grafana dashboards
- Flexible way of config management for underlying technologies such as Allure and GreatExpectation

## Usage
Could be used as standard Terraform module, the examples of deployments under `examples` directory.

1. Add to terraform DataQA module as in examples
2. Add to terraform state machine `DataTests` step
resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "data_state_machine" {
definition = jsonencode(
StartAt = "GetData"
States = {
GetData = {
Next = "DataTests"
Resource = aws_lambda_function.some_get_data.function_name
ResultPath = "$.file"
Type = "Task"
DataTests = {
Type = "Task"
Resource = "arn:aws:states:::states:startExecution.sync:2",
End = true
Parameters = {
StateMachineArn =
Input = {
files = [
engine = "s3"
source_root = var.data_lake_bucket
run_name = "raw_data"
"source_data.$" = "$.file"
name = "Data-state-machine"
role_arn = aws_iam_role.state_machine.arn // role with perms on lambda:InvokeFunction
type = "STANDARD"
logging_configuration {
include_execution_data = false
level = "OFF"
module "data_qa" {
source = ""
tracing_configuration {
enabled = false
data_test_storage_bucket_name = "my-data-settings-dev"
s3_source_data_bucket = "my-data-bucket"
environment = "example"
project = "my-project"
allure_report_image_uri = ""
data_test_image_uri = ""
push_report_image_uri = ""
data_reports_notification_settings = {
channel = "DataReportSlackChannelName"
webhook_url = ""
lambda_private_subnet_ids = ["private_subnet_id"]
lambda_security_group_ids = ["security_group_id"]
reports_vpc_id = "some_vpc_id"
reports_subnet_id = "subnet_id"
reports_whitelist_ips = [""]
3. Create AWS Serverless application* - [AthenaDynamoDBConnector]( with parameters:
- SpillBucket - name of bucket created by terraform module
- AthenaCatalogName - The name you will give to this catalog in Athena. It will also be used as the function name.

*Cannot be created automatically by terraform because [terraform-provider-aws/issues/16485](
## Examples

Could be used as standard Terraform module, the examples of deployments under `examples` directory.

- [data-qa-basic]( - Creates DataQA module which builds AWS infrastructure.

## Local Development and Testing

See the [functions]( for further details.

## License

4. Create AWS Athena Data Source:
- Data source type -> Amazon DynamoDB
- Connection details -> lambda function -> name of `AthenaCatalogName` from pt.3
Apache 2 Licensed. See [LICENSE]( for full details.
Binary file added docs/inframap.png
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49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions examples/basic/
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Basic Data QA example

Configuration in this directory shows how to instantiate a Data QA module that consists from various AWS services.

Note, this example does not contain required high-level aws global infrastructure such as vpc and networking. To see module requirements go to [README](


To run this example you need to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Note that this example may create resources which can cost money (AWS EC2 instance, for example). Run `terraform destroy` when you don't need these resources.
<!-- BEGIN_TF_DOCS -->
## Requirements

| Name | Version |
| <a name="requirement_terraform"></a> [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | ~> 1.1 |
| <a name="requirement_aws"></a> [aws](#requirement\_aws) | ~> 4.64.0 |

## Providers

No providers.

## Modules

| Name | Source | Version |
| <a name="module_data_qa"></a> [data\_qa](#module\_data\_qa) | ../../terraform | n/a |

## Resources

No resources.

## Inputs

No inputs.

## Outputs

No outputs.
<!-- END_TF_DOCS -->
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/basic/
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.1.7"

required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 4.64.0"

required_version = "~> 1.1"

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